Step 1: Proposal to establish and/or vary an apprenticeship

Begin the establishment and variation of apprenticeship process by lodging a Notice of Intent with the Western Australian State Training Board.

Lodging a notice of intent form

To establish an apprenticeship or vary an existing apprenticeship, a proponent will need to lodge a Notice of Intent with the Office of the State Training Board, using one of the forms below. A separate form must be used for each establishment and variation request.

The proponent may be an individual, business/employer, industry group, union, registered training organisation, industry training council or other stakeholder.

Please note: If a proposal is rejected at any stage, the proponent will be notified. Otherwise, notification will occur at the end of the process.

If you have any questions or require assistance with this process, please contact us.

Assistance with your proposal

To assist with your proposal, please refer to the guidelines and guidance note for the establishment and variation of apprenticeships in WA.

View the guidelines and guidance note

*Apprenticeship means any employment-based training scheme whether termed an apprenticeship, traineeship, cadetship or internship.

View the next step: The Notice of Intent is lodged

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