Western Australian State Training Board publications

The WA State Training Board produces a range of publications and reports for the Minister for Training and Workforce Development. We are proud to make these available in the public domain, as listed below.
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The WA State Training Board produces a number of publications, including research papers, survey results and project reports. Our publications are designed to keep clients, stakeholders and the community informed about education, training, employment and other related matters for Western Australia.

Publications from recent years are available on this page; however, should you require earlier publications please contact the Office of the State Training Board.

Annual report

The WA State Training Board 2022–2023 Annual Report was tabled in State Parliament on 20 September 2023.

An archive of the State Training Board annual reports from previous years is also available.

View the WA State Training Board annual reports

WA State Training Plan

The WA State Training Plan is a key strategic document that sets out the training needs of the State's industries, and how those needs should be met by State Government investment in vocational education and training. The Plan complements key State Government priorities, and is informed by training data; labour market analysis; and valuable consultation with industry, facilitated by the Board's network of industry training councils. 

The WA State Training Plan 2023—24 was released by the Minister for Training and Workforce Development in July 2023. An executive summary document is also available.

View the WA State Training Plan 2023—24

Mobilising WA's Future: Young people in VET

Young people make up almost half of all participants in WA’s vocational education and training (VET) sector. The State Training Board had roundtable discussions with more than 70 young people to gain insight into their engagement and experience in the VET system. The Board’s findings are presented in our Mobilising WA’s Future: Young people in VET report, released in June 2023.

The State Government's strategic response to the report is also available.

View the Mobilising WA's Future: Young people in VET report

Regional Early Childhood Education and Care report

The Board’s Regional Early Childhood Education and Care report was prepared in collaboration with the Community Skills WA industry training council. It explores issues affecting the early childhood education and care sector in regional WA, and how the training sector may assist to address these. 

The State Government's strategic response to the report is also available, outlining a range of strategies and initiatives to support the issues identified.

View the Regional Early Childhood Education and Care report

Social Assistance and Allied Health Workforce

The Board has undertaken extensive work to develop strategies to guide workforce development in WA's vital and rapidly growing social assistance and allied health sector. The Social Assistance and Allied Health Workforce Strategy (released in 2019) and the Social Assistance and Allied Health: Future Workforce Skills report (released in 2022) are the culmination of this work. 

A response by the State Government to the 2022 report is also available.

View the Social Assistance and Allied Health Workforce report and strategy

Strategies to grow apprenticeships and traineeships

Strategies to grow apprenticeships and traineeships is the culmination of statewide industry forums hosted by the State Training Board between August 2017 and March 2018. The consultations helped the Board to understand what industry needs from WA's training sector and inform future strategies. The report was released on 24 January 2019.

View the Strategies to grow apprenticeships and traineeships in WA report 

View the State Government response to the Strategies to grow apprenticeships and traineeships in WA report 

Youth matters: Youth survey results

The Youth Matters: Youth Survey attracted more than 1,100 responses from young people aged 12—24 across WA. It provides insights into young people’s experiences with school, career advice and employment.

This survey builds on the Board's earlier Youth Matters: a study of youth education, training, employment and unemployment in Western Australia report, which is also available.

View the Youth Matters: Youth Survey results and report