The WA State Training Board’s role is to establish, enable and support policies, strategies and activities that will help ensure the vocational education and training (VET) sector develops and delivers the skills needed by WA industries for WA jobs.
The WA State Training Plan is a key strategic document that outlines the priorities for the State Government’s investment in VET, and in the context of broader policies and priorities, to ensure it supports the strategic development of the State’s economy and with current and future skills and training needs of WA industries.
WA State Training Plan 2023—24
Developed by the Board, the State Training Plan 2023–24 is informed by training data; labour market analysis; and valuable consultation with industry, facilitated by the Board's network of industry training councils. Released by the Minister for Training and Workforce Development on 5 July 2023, it sets out the following four key priorities as 'pillars'.
1. Advocating for WA's skills needs in national skills reform
Ensure WA’s priorities, unique regional challenges and skills shortages are represented at the national level, through effective and collaborative engagement with Jobs and Skills Australia.
2. Preparing a skilled workforce for energy transformation and decarbonisation targets
Thousands of new jobs will be created across current and emerging industries as WA moves towards net-zero emissions by 2050.
3. Managing a sustainable pipeline of apprentices and trainees
Apprentices and trainees form the backbone of the skilled workforce in multiple industries in WA and sustaining a pipeline of skills is vital for the state to prosper.
4. Building regional workforce skills and capacity
WA’s regions are unique and they are experiencing significant workforce challenges. Four out of five regional businesses are affected by the skills crisis.
Executive summary
The WA State Training Plan 2023—24 Executive summary provides an at-a-glance overview of the four pillars within the plan.