Youth Matters: a study of youth education, training, employment and unemployment in Western Australia

Commissioned by the WA State Training Board, this paper is based on research and consultations undertaken by Business Group Australia and the Board’s Youth Unemployment Steering Committee in 2013.
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Youth Matters study paper

The Board's Youth Matters paper explores the challenges of disadvantaged and unemployed youth. It is intended as an opportunity to further strengthen and develop sustainable whole-of-community responses to effectively tackle youth unemployment. 

The advice received from agencies and service providers working with unemployed young people supports the positions and directions presented throughout this paper. 

The paper is not intended to provide all the answers, but rather to generate discussion and action on this important workforce development issue.

Youth matters: Youth survey results

To build on the initial work in the Youth Matters paper, in 2015 the Board facilitated the Youth Matters: Youth Survey. This survey attracted more than 1,100 responses from young people aged 12—24 across Western Australia, and provided insights into young people’s experiences with school, career advice and employment.

The survey report, released in April 2015, is divided into six parts.

  • Part 1 provides an overview of the 1,186 respondents to the survey
  • Part 2 explores school, education and training matters
  • Part 3 explores work experience
  • Part 4 explores career advice
  • Part 5 explores jobs and employment
  • Part 6 provides youth perspective on tackling youth unemployment issues