Rules Development Implementation Working Group

An inactive working group of the Market Advisory Committee
Last updated:

The Rules Development Implementation Working Group (RDIWG) was tasked with assessing the design issues/problem areas derived from:

  • The Market Rules Evolution Plan (MREP), and
  • Issues identified as part of the Verve Energy Review (Verve Review).

The list of design issues/problems and the RDIWG Terms of Reference is provided below.

Working Group Members

Member Representing on the Working Group
Allan Dawson Chair
John Rhodes Market Customer (Synergy)
Debra Rizzi Market Customer
Steve Gould Market Customer
Patrick Peake Market Customer
Andrew Everett Market Generator (Verve Energy)
Andrew Stevens Market Generator
Andrew Sutherland Market Generator
Phil Kelloway System Management
Wana Yang Economic Regulation Authority
Paul Hynch Office of Energy

This membership will be supported by the IMO and supplemented by consultants (as required).

Please note: While Western Power is not a member of the RDIWG, it will be available to assist and advise the RDIWG on any matters that have network implications.

The IMO recently sought membership applications to serve on the RDIWG. For reference, a copy of the membership application form is provided below.

Meeting Papers

Meeting 1 (27 August 2010)

Meeting 12 (3 May 2011) Cancelled

First Draft Balancing Rules Walkthrough

On 5 July 2011, the IMO held a workshop with RDIWG members to walk through the intent of a draft proposed Balancing Market Rules. The IMO has updated the rules following initial feedback from this workshop as they stood on 6 July 2011. These are provided below.  Further revisions can be expected prior to and following the second workshop on 19 July 2011.

Also provided below is the latest version of the “Balancing 12 box diagram” upon which the rules have been drafted.

Second Draft Balancing Rules Walkthrough

On 19 July 2011, the IMO held a workshop to discuss the main issues raised in submissions from RDIWG members on the first draft of the proposed Balancing Market Rules. The IMO has updated the rules following submissions received after the first workshop, and the discussions had at the second workshop.

New Balancing and Load Following Ancillary Service Market Information

Here is material explaining the new proposed Balancing and Load Following Ancillary Service market arrangements. The first document outlines the arrangements in detail, the second is a walk through presentation of the new arrangements and the third document sets out how the trials of the new arrangements are to operate from December 2011. The fourth document is a spreadsheet that simulates a simplified version of the proposed balancing market and has been provided as a tool for Market Participants to begin to familiarise themselves with potential outcomes of the proposed design.