Market Advisory Committee

The Market Advisory Committee (MAC) is a committee of industry and consumer representatives that provides advice on the evolution of the WEM Rules.
Last updated:

The Market Advisory Committee (MAC) is a committee of industry and consumer representatives convened under the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules to provide advice in relation to Rule Change Proposals, Procedure Change Proposals and the evolution of the WEM Rules.

Upcoming MAC meeting dates 2025

  • 10 April
  • 15 May
  • 19 June
  • 24 July
  • 4 September
  • 16 October
  • 20 November
  • 18 December

Meeting papers are available on the following webpages:

Governance documents

The WEM Rules outline the functions and composition of the MAC, as well as the procedures for appointing new members. The WEM Rules require the Coordinator of Energy to develop and publish a Constitution for the MAC.

For information about the Coordinator of Energy’s last review of the Constitution, visit 2021 Review of the Market Advisory Committee Constitution

The MAC Constitution and current MAC Membership are as follows

Market Advisory Committee Working Groups

The MAC may establish Working Groups, comprising representatives of Rule Participants and other interested stakeholders, to assist it in providing advice to the Coordinator of Energy, ERA and AEMO.

The following Working Groups are currently active:

For information on past Working Groups, visit the webpage: Market Advisory Committee Inactive Working Groups.

Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Reviews

Under clause 2.3.9 of the WEM Rules, the Coordinator of Energy must annually review the composition of the MAC and may remove and appoint members following the review.

The review process is outlined in the MAC Constitution, provided under the MAC Governance Documents section above.

The Coordinator completed the 2024 MAC Composition Review on 29 January 2024 and appointed MAC Members to fill vacancies of the MAC. This will maintain the balance of energy producers and retailers on the MAC. These appointments are reflected in the MAC Membership list published above.  

A fulsome review of the MAC has now commenced to assess whether the: 

  • MAC is fit for purpose, and in particular, that it operates efficiently and provides balanced, timely and useful advice to the Coordinator; 
  • MAC operates for the good of the WEM Objectives; 
  • MAC members are participating in the interests of the stakeholder groups that they represent rather than on representing the specific interest of any organisation or person; and 
  • The review will also account for the expanded scope of the WEM Rules and the expanded range of subject matter that the MAC will be required to provide advice on.  

Depending on the outcomes of the review, the composition and Constitution of the MAC, including the number and class of Market Participants may be amended. Further information on the review of the MAC is available here.

Further information on the 2024 MAC Composition Review and all previous reviews can be found on the Past Market Advisory Committee Annual Composition Reviews page.

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