Power System Security and Reliability (PSSR) Standards Working Group

A working group of the Market Advisory Committee
Last updated:

Energy Policy WA, in consultation with the Market Advisory Committee (MAC), is undertaking the Power System Security and Reliability (PSSR) Standards Review. The purpose of this review is to implement the Energy Transformation Taskforce’s recommendation to develop a single end-to-end PSSR standard for the SWIS governed by centralised governance framework, Power System Security and Reliability Standards Framework: Information Paper.

A PSSR Standards Working Group (PSSRSWG) has been established by the MAC to support the review.

Working Group Members

Dora Guzeleva(Chair) Energy Policy WAdora.guzeleva@demirs.wa.gov.au
Hugh RidgwayAlinta Energyhugh.ridgway@alintaenergy.com.au
Lekshmi Jaya Mohan BP Australialekshmi.jaya_mohan@bp.com
Tessa LiddelowShell Energytessa.liddelow@shellenergy.com.au
Rhiannon BedolaSynergyrhiannon.bedola@synergy.net.au
Noel SchubertExpert Consumer Panelnoel.schubert55@gmail.com
Luke SkinnerExpert Consumer Panelluke.skinner@climatejusticeunion.org
Patrick PeakePerth Energyp.peake@perthenergy.com.au
Sam FyfieldGoldwindsamfyfield@goldwindaustralia.com
Mena GilchristAEMOmena.gilchrist@aemo.com.au
Toby PriceAEMOtoby.price@aemo.com.au
Elizabeth WaltersERAelizabeth.walters@erawa.com.au
Sabina RoshanWestern Powersabina.roshan@westernpower.com.au
Daniel CassidyWestern Powerdaniel.cassidy@westernpower.com.au
Bronwyn GunnEnergy Policy WAbronwyn.gunn@demirs.wa.gov.au
Sanna PemberEnergy Policy WAsanna.pember@demirs.wa.gov.au

The Chair of the PSSR Standards Working Group will have the discretion to allow additional subject matter experts or consultants to attend specific meetings or workshops, either generally or on a case-by-case basis.

Energy Policy WA will provide administrative support to the PSSR Standards Working Group.

Upcoming meeting dates

  • TBC
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