Past Market Advisory Committee Annual Composition Reviews

Past Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Reviews
Last updated:

Under clause 2.3.9 of the WEM Rules, the Coordinator of Energy must annually review the composition of the MAC and may remove and appoint members following the review. Prior to 1 July 2021, these reviews were undertaken by the Rule Change Panel, under previous governance arrangements.

Information on past reviews is available via the links below:

2024 Market Advisory Committee Annual Composition Review. The 2024 MAC composition review was completed on 29 January 2024.

2023 Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Review. The 2023 MAC composition review was completed on 18 January 2023. 

2022 Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Review. The 2022 MAC composition review was completed on 22 February 2022.

2021 Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Review. The 2021 MAC composition review was completed on 22 February 2021.

2020 Review of Market Customers Vacant Positions. The 2020 Review of Market Customers Vacant Positions was completed in April 2020.

2020 Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Review. The 2020 MAC composition review was completed in February 2020.

2019 Review of Market Customers Vacant Positions. The 2019 Review of Market Customers Vacant Positions was completed in May 2019.

2019 Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Review. The 2019 MAC composition review was completed in February 2019.

2018 Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Review. The 2018 MAC composition review was completed in February 2018.

2017 Annual Market Advisory Committee Composition Review. The 2017 MAC composition review was completed in July 2017.