Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty (WIC) Review Working Group

An active working group of the Market Advisory Committee
Last updated:

Energy Policy WA, in consultation with the Market Advisory Committee, is commencing the Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty (WIC) Review, under clause 2.2D.1 of the WEM Rules. 

Relevant documents including documents relating to public consultation are published on the WIC Review page.  

A WIC Review Working Group has been established by the Market Advisory Committee to support the review.  

Energy Policy WA will provide administrative support to the WIC Working Group. 

Working Group Members 

MemberCompanyEmail Address
Dora Guzeleva(Chair) Energy Policy WAdora.guzeleva@demirs.wa.gov.au
Patrick PeakePerth Energyp.peake@perthenergy.com.au
Paul AriasShell EnergyPaul.Arias@shell.com
Oscar CarlbergAlinta EnergyOscar.carlberg@alintaenergy.com.au
Rachael SmithAustralian Gas Infrastructure Grouprachael.smith@agig.com.au
Shane CreminSummit Southern Cross Power Pty Ltdshane.cremin@sscpower.com.au
Julius SusantoEnerCloud Consulting Pty Ltdjulius@enercloud.io
Rhiannon BedolaSynergyRhiannon.bedola@synergy.net.au
Mena GilchristAEMOmena.gilchrist@aemo.com.au 
Nathan VilesEconomic Regulation Authoritynathan.viles@erwa.com.au
Timothy EdwardsMetro Powertimothy.edwards@metropower.com.au
Peter HuxtableWater Corporationpeter.huxtable@watercorporation.com.au
Liz AitkenEmpire Carbon and Energyliz@empirecae.com
Jake FlynnCollgar Renewablesjake.flynn@collgar.com.au
Daniel KurzBluewaters Power 1 Pty LtdDaniel.Kurz@bluewatersps.com.au
Noel SchubertExpert Consumer PanelNoel.schubert55@gmail.com
Luke SkinnerExpert Consumer Panelluke.skinner@climatejusticeunion.org
William StreetEntego Group Pty Ltdwilliam@entego.com.au
Tom FroodBright Energy InvestmentsTom.frood@brightenergyinvestments.com.au
Francis IpBLT Energy Pty Ltdfrancis@blt-energy.com
Lekshmi Jaya Mohan BP Australialekshmi.jaya_mohan@bp.com
Shelley WorthingtonEnergy Policy WAShelley.worthington@demirs.wa.gov.au
Valentina KogonWestern PowerValentina.Kogon@westernpower.com.au
Graham PearsonAustralian Energy Councilgraham.pearson@energycouncil.com.au
Fraser MaywoodSustainable Energy Nowchair@sen.asn.au
Troy ForwardTransAlta Energy (Australia) Troy_Forward@transalta.com


The Chair of the WIC Review Working Group has the discretion to allow additional subject matter experts or consultants to attend specific meetings or workshops, either generally or on a case-by-case basis. 

Upcoming Meeting Dates 2024

  • TBA


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