Benefits of daytime charging

The best time to charge your EV is during the daytime.
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The benefits of daytime charging

By charging your EV in a responsible, grid-friendly way, you will save money, contribute to the clean energy transition and help keep electricity costs down for everyone.

EVs have a big impact on the power system depending on when they are charged. EVs are batteries – you can charge them whenever you want.

The best time to charge your EV is during the daytime. Why?

  • You use more renewable energy, taking advantage of all the clean and low-cost electricity produced by thousands of rooftop solar systems.
  • You save money when your solar is generating and when cheaper power tariffs are available.
  • You help avoid costly grid upgrades, by using power when there is plenty of spare capacity on the grid.

What can you do?

  • Charge during the day to use your rooftop solar system.
  • If you can’t charge during the day, try to charge your EV overnight.  This can still help avoid costly grid upgrades. However, the share of renewable energy used to charge your EV would be less.
  • Sign up to Synergy’s EV Add On tariff. It has low prices during the day, when solar is plentiful, and a special off-peak overnight rate for EV charging.
  • Install a faster and smarter charger in your home.
A smart charger will help you program EV charging to when there are more renewables on the grid and take advantage of different tariff rates. They also give you the flexibility to charge when you want because they’re quicker than a home power point.


Charge Up - Charging Times