Pay your fines

View details of your fines and infringements that are with the Fines Enforcement Registry and make a payment online or through a payment plan.
Last updated:

There are serious consequences for not paying fines and infringements in WA, including driver's licence suspension, vehicle immobilisation, vehicle licence cancellation and seizure and sale of your property.

When you receive a fine by a court in Western Australia, you must deal with the matter immediately.

Unpaid fines may be referred to the Fines Enforcement Registry within 28 days.

You can contact the registry to also apply for or add cases to your current payment arrangement. You can also find out when your next payment is due or find details of your fine via the eCourts Portal.

On the eCourts Portal you will need to enter two of the following details, as well as your surname or organisation name to find your fine or infringement details:

  • case number
  • charge number
  • infringement number
  • customer reference number
  • date of birth

The Fines Enforcement Registry can be contacted on 1300 650 235. Mobile and international callers can telephone 61 8 9235 0235, between 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays), or email

Alternatively, queries can be made in person at your nearest Magistrates Court.

Customer Reference Number

Search for your Customer Reference Number (CRN) if it is not printed on the notice you received. Your CRN will be required when you make online/phone/email enquiries.

In the boxes below you will need to enter your case number and your surname so our system can identify your CRN.

Enter your details below and select 'Retrieve my CRN'.

If an error message appears reading "That is not a valid FER Case number" please try searching with the year in front. For example your notice reads 1234567/2016 try 16/1234567.

When entering a case number you must enter the forward slash character (/) which appears in your case number.

Please be advised payments will be allocated in order, oldest case to most recent.

Payment options

Options to pay your fine or infringement.

There are a range of convenient options to choose from to pay your fine or infringement:

  • Credit card - Make an online credit card payment using your CRN with a Visa or MasterCard between $10 to $10,000. If approved, your payment will be processed on the Fines Enforcement Registry's database within one working day. Payments made after 5.00 pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) will be processed within 2 business days. If you have any other outstanding court fines or infringements that are not included in a Time-to-Pay arrangement, or you have any other outstanding amounts, your licence may still be subject to a fine suspension. It is your responsibility to check this before driving.
  • BPAY - Payments can be made using BPAY through your bank or financial institution. The biller code for the Fines Enforcement Registry is 48249.
  • Phone - You can pay your fines over the phone by calling 1300 276 468, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and entering your credit card details (MasterCard or Visa) along with your CRN. Payments made after 5.00 pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) will be processed the following working day.
  • In person – Pay in person at any Magistrates Court in Western Australia.
  • Direct debit – Arrange direct debit payments from your bank account by completing a Direct Debit Request Form (available from your nearest court or contact Fines Enforcement Registry to get a mailed copy) and posting to Fines Enforcement Registry, Department of Justice, GPO Box X2293, PERTH WA 6847. Please note this does not automatically lift a fine suspension.
  • Centrepay - Allow Centrelink to make deductions from your fortnightly benefit to pay off your outstanding fines. You can pay off your outstanding fines at a minimum of $25 per fortnight. Complete a Centrelink Centrepay Deductions form (available from your nearest court or contact Fines Enforcement Registry to get a mailed copy) and return by post to Fines Enforcement Registry, Department of Justice, GPO Box X2293, PERTH WA 6847 or email to Please note this does not automatically lift a fine suspension.
  • By mail - Post a cheque or money order to the Fines Enforcement Registry, Department of Justice, GPO Box X2293, PERTH WA 6847.
  • Time to Pay Arrangement - Apply for a Time to Pay Arrangement through the eCourts Portal at My Fines/Infringements, complete and return a Time to Pay Application Form (also available at your nearest Magistrates Court), by post, by email to or by phoning the Fines Enforcement Registry.
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