Find a Justice of the Peace in your area

If you are unable to attend a Document Witnessing Centre, you can find a Justice of the Peace (JP) in your area by using the online search facility.
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Document Witnessing Centres

Please respect the independent decision of the JP and any requirements they may impose when providing services to the public.

Document witnessing centres are coordinated and managed by JPs who are volunteers, and may have measures in place to protect the health and wellbeing of JPs, users of these services and the community.

See Witnessing Centres for contact details and opening times of locations. The Department recommends contacting the Witnessing Centre prior to attending.

Alternatively, for statutory declarations, you may arrange for a witness from the list of Authorised witnesses for statutory declarations.

For more information refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.

When contacting JPs, please note they are volunteers who provide their services to the community free of charge. While JPs make themselves available as much as possible, it should be remembered that JPs have the same type of work and personal commitments as any other person. Accordingly, you will need to negotiate a mutually acceptable time and place for appointment.

Search for a Justice of the Peace

Enter either the suburb/town or postcode in the search boxes provided, then click on the search button below. A list matching your request will be displayed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a JP Signing Centre?

JP document witnessing centres are generally located at local Government offices, libraries and shopping centres.

Who can witness an Affidavit?

Under the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005 (WA) (OASD Act), authorised witnesses for affidavits include clerks of court, court registrars, mining registrars and solicitors. Therefore persons seeking someone to witness an affidavit, have the option of having an affidavit witnessed by a solicitor or a registrar at a court.

Note: an appointment needs to be made with the solicitor/registrar first.

Are you having difficulty having a Family Court affidavit witnessed?

If you are having difficulty having a Family Court affidavit witnessed, contact the Family Court call centre on 9224 8222 for further assistance.

How can I get a Statutory Declaration signed?

Schedule 2 of the OASD Act, provides a list of occupational groups authorised to witnesses statutory declarations.

In addition, section 12 of the OASD authorises any person who can witness a statutory declaration under the Schedule 2 of the Statutory Declarations Regulations 2018 (Commonwealth). Accordingly, the Commonwealth legislation further expands the list of persons who can witness a statutory declaration.

Commonwealth/State Public Servants and permanent employees of a local government authority with five years continuous service are authorised to witness statutory declarations. Thus from a pragmatic perspective, it may be preferable for statutory declarations from a government authority, to be “witnessed by an authorised person in the government authority that administers the statutory declaration”.

What about getting certified copies?

There is no generic legislation authorising who can certify a copy, however, by convention anyone authorised to witness a statutory declaration is generally accepted.

Accordingly, if a certified copy is requested by a Government authority, unless a specific law states otherwise, such certifications may be referred to the Government authority that requires the certified copy.

Who can authorise my overseas documents?

In WA a Notary Public is a responsible person appointed by a Superior Court of WA to witness as a third party the signing of important documents, to administer oaths and witness Statutory Declarations and to certify true and correct, copies of original documents both for national and international purposes.

Generally, any document for use overseas must be witnessed, legalised or authenticated by a Notary Public.

Foreign governments or businesses usually require Australian notarised documents, as well as other Australian public documents, to be either "apostilled" by the Australian government, or "legalised" by their Embassies or Consulates in Australia.

Can a JP witness my Will?

There is no legislation that provides authority for a JP to witness a will.

Wills are witnessed by two persons over the age of 18 years, who are competent and not a beneficiary to a will. Accordingly, if a JP chooses to witness a will, it is in the capacity of an ordinary person and not as a JP.

Further, to avoid difficulties when dealing with probate on the death of the testator to a Will, there are compelling reasons that a witness to a Will should be a person who is likely to survive the maker of the Will. In these circumstances, this consideration by a person making a Will is particularly relevant when having a Will witnessed.

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