Western Australian State Training Board: How we work

The Western Australian State Training Board works with industry bodies and has key working partnerships and relationships that provide input to our work ensuring that WA's vocational education and training system is responsive to industry needs.
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The WA State Training Board is committed to ensuring that our vocational education and training system is responsive to industry needs, delivering to quality standards and creating opportunities for all Western Australians.

As a statutory body, the Board reports directly to WA’s Minister for Training and Workforce Development. However, a number of other key working partnerships and relationships provide input to our work. The following flowchart outlines how we work, and with whom.

Flowchart diagram for work of the State Training Board which includes the Office of the State Training Board, the Minister for Training and Workforce Development, Industry training advisory bodies, training providers, industry, business and employers connected by green, blue and grey boxes flowing in a chart across the page.

Further information for each of these roles and areas is available below.

State Training Board Chair

The Chair represents the Board, and reports directly to WA's Minister for Training and Workforce Development.

The Chair also consults and collaborates with the Director General of the Department of Training and Workforce Development on key policy and strategic initiatives. 

Minister for Training and Workforce Development

The Minister for Training and Workforce Development oversees the training portfolio in WA and has responsibilities set out in the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996.

The Minister appoints members of the WA State Training Board, and the Chair of the Board reports directly to the Minister.

Department of Training and Workforce Development

The Department of Training and Workforce Development, in addition to its vital training role, has the broader responsibility of workforce development. The vocational education and training (VET) system is administered by the Department in its role as WA’s State Training Authority.

It funds training delivered by a statewide network of TAFEs and private training providers, and is responsible for administering and regulating WA's apprenticeship system.

Visit the Department of Training and Workforce Development website

Director General of the Department of Training and Workforce Development

The Director General of the Department of Training and Workforce Development reports directly to the Minister for Training and Workforce Development.

As WA’s State Training Authority, the Department has a close working relationship with the State Training Board.

Office of the State Training Board

The Office of the State Training Board (OSTB) is a branch of the Department of Training and Workforce Development. It provides secretariat and research support for the Board.

The OSTB sits within the Policy, Planning and Innovation directorate of the Department.

The OSTB handles all WA State Training Board enquiries.

WA State Training Board

State Training Board members are appointed by WA's Minister for Training and Workforce Development, under Section 19 of the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996, for their experience and expertise in education and training, industry or community affairs and their ability to contribute to the strategic direction of the state’s training system.

Members represent the diversity of the WA community as well as the training sector. They are part time, and are compensated for their time. 

The Board meets at least six times annually to progress the strategic direction of WA’s training system.

Meet the State Training Board members

Industry training advisory bodies

One of the key functions of the Board is to recognise various industry training advisory bodies from which we take advice for the purposes of drafting the WA State Training Plan or making recommendations to the Minister for Training and Workforce Development.

There are eight WA industry training councils recognised by the State Training Board. 

View the industry training council information page

Peak industry associations, training providers, industry, business and employers

In addition to the industry training advisory bodies, the Board works collaboratively with a number of stakeholders including peak industry associations such as UnionsWA, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA and the Chamber of Minerals and Energy, as well as development commissions, private and public training providers and industry, business and employers.

Information and knowledge is both shared and provided between these parties.