Travel and Accommodation Allowance for apprentices and trainees

The Department of Training and Workforce Development assists eligible apprentices with a Travel and Accommodation Allowance (TAA) related to the completion of their off the job training component.
Last updated:

Apprentices and trainees are eligible for travel and accommodation allowance (TAA) if they are a Western Australian resident attending a training provider (eg TAFE) for off the job training and must travel more than 70 kms (round trip) from their residential address to attend the closest training provider.

From 1 July 2023:

  • payment rates for the TAA allowance were increased. The per-kilometre rate for travel allowance claims doubled from 20 cents to 40 cents to address the rising costs of living and barriers to training.
  • the accommodation allowance increased from $70 to $100 per night where the training venue is below the 26th parallel, and from $110 to $150 per night where the training venue is above the 26th parallel.

Please refer to our Apprenticeships and traineeships policy for full details.

View the Apprenticeships and traineeships policy

Please note that the term "apprentice" refers to apprentices, trainees, cadets and interns.

Eligibility for TAA

You may be eligible for travel and /or accommodation allowance if you:

  • travel more than 70kms to off the job training that is funded by the Department of Training and Workforce Development;
  • are listed on the Department’s training records system as an active or suspended apprentice or trainee during the claimed period; and
  • have a residential home address within Western Australia.

You may not be eligible for travel and /or accommodation allowance if you:

  • have a training contract status which is withdrawn, cancelled, completed, pending or expired at the time the approved training was undertaken;
  • are paid a travel and accommodation allowance by your employer while attending off the job training;
  • have an employer who incurs the total cost of your travel and accommodation; or
  • travel to a training provider location which is not the closest training venue approved to deliver off the job training.

Travel distances and eligibility

To claim assistance, there is a minimum round trip distance which must be travelled. This is calculated based on the shortest possible road distance from your usual place of residence to the closest training provider location and return using Google Maps (regardless of the method of transport used to get to the training venue).

The minimum round trip distance must be at least:

  • 71 kilometres for travel allowance;
  • 150 kilometres for accommodation allowance; or
  • 1100 kilometres for travel by air.

Please note that if you travel in the same vehicle as another apprentice or trainee, only one person can claim the travel component of the allowance.

How to submit a claim for TAA

An online claims portal, replacing the paper form process, is now available for registered training organisations (RTOs), apprentices, and employers seeking to claim TAA.

To submit your TAA claim online, you must first be registered on the Western Australian Apprentice Management System (WAAMS) and have your off the job training verified by the relevant RTO. To register, you will need to visit the WAAMS portal and request an account online, following the instructions.

Once you are registered on WAAMS, you can then use our TAA online claims portal to submit your request for the allowance.

Visit the TAA online client portal(link is external)

All claims must be submitted within 60 days of the completion of the apprentice’s training or attendance period for the claim to be eligible.

For enquiries relating to the TAA, or for support submitting your application, please contact is external).

Guides and supporting information for apprentices and RTOs

The following resources provide further information about the TAA, and will assist you to submit your claim.

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