Organised crime

Organised criminal activities may involve public official corruption, falsification of records, money laundering and the use of violence.
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Organised crime is when two or more people work together to carry out some type of criminal activity in order to profit.

Criminal activity includes illegal drug manufacturing, drug trafficking and distribution, extortion and sexual exploitation.

You can assist by keeping alert to what is going on around your community by contacting police on 131 444, in person at your local police station, or Crime Stoppers(link is external) on 1800 333 000.

What to look out for

Numerous people and vehicles briefly visiting an address within a few hours, particularly at unusual times of the day or late at night, may mean someone is drug dealing.

Significant and unexplained wealth, expensive homes, vehicles, electrical appliances, spending and an overall lifestyle that does not appear consistent with income may indicate a person or group is generating their income and supporting a flamboyant lifestyle from organised crime.

Unusual or excessive fortification of premises, expensive alarm systems and surveillance cameras could be indicators of criminal activity related to organised crime.

The regular exchange of valuable items or cash may be payment for drugs or a drug debt. Drug deals often involve the use of cash. 

A person with no apparent, legitimate income source who frequently has large amounts of cash may have gained it from drug dealing or some other criminal activity.

Drug manufacturing

Clandestine drug labs are dangerous. They are used to produce illegal drugs which can create fumes which are dangerous to your health and they also can explode and catch on fire - they place everyone in the community at risk.

If you suspect a clandestine laboratory in your area, notify police immediately or contact Crime Stoppers(link is external) on 1800 333 000.

Visit the Department of Health's Clandestine drug laboratories page(link is external)


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