Apply for commercial carriers and warehouseman exemption

Any person, who in the ordinary course of their business, carries or stores a firearm or ammunition for another person in Western Australia is required to obtain an exemption from the Commissioner of Police (or delegate), Section 8(1) (g) Firearms Act 1973.
Last updated:

Commercial carriers

A commercial carrier exemption entitles the holder to transport firearms and/or ammunition on behalf of a licensed firearms dealer, repairer or manufacturer.

Please note: The below approved commercial carrier list is ONLY applicable to dealers, manufacturers and repairers.


A warehouseman exemption entitles the holder to store licensed firearms and/or ammunition on behalf of a current Western Australian firearms licence holder.


Please see section below for relevant forms:

Commercial carriers: what you need to know

There are numerous variables associated with a ‘commercial carrier exemption’ and as such each application is assessed individually on the information provided. Should your application be approved it may be subject to certain conditions including but not limited to:

  • Those persons who will have access to firearms/ammunition during transportation must have a Police Clearance Certificate or be subject to an appropriate probity regime as designated by the employer;
  • During transportation firearms must be rendered safe and be concealed or covered;
  • Rendered safe includes:
    1. In a locked container; or
    2. In an approved box or container where the firearm is secured with a trigger locking device or has the bolt 
      removed and the bolt is transported separately from the firearm.
  • The container or box is not marked that it contains a firearm or ammunition;
  • All reasonable precautions must be taken to ensure that the firearm is not lost or stolen during transportation;
  • Firearms and ammunition must be transported separately;
  • Whilst awaiting dispatch from a depot, warehouse or similar area appropriate storage facilities and processes must be in place to prevent the loss or theft of any firearm or ammunition;
  • If a firearm or ammunition is to be stored overnight a separate Warehouseman Approval is required;
  • Motorcycles or pushbikes cannot be used for transportation; and
  • Unless otherwise approved delivery is only to the holder of a Dealer, Repairer or Manufacturer Firearms Licence.

Commercial carriers: what you need to provide

Your application must include a written submission which outlines each of the following:

  1. The mode of transportation (type of vehicle etc.);
  2. Operational procedures in relation to the carriage, storage and handling of firearms/ammunition during transportation;
  3. Details of probity regime in pace for those persons who will have access to firearms/ammunition during transportation;
  4. A ‘contact number for public use’; and
  5. ‘Coverage’ details (state wide, regional WA, metropolitan WA or Australia wide).

You also need to provide an Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Business Registration.

Making an application 

The application form for commercial carrier is found in the resources section below. Once an application has been completed it can be submitted electronically by emailing it directly to the Officer in Charge, Licensing Services via email

Or by post to:

Licensing Services
Locked Bag 9
East Perth, WA 6892

Warehouseman: what you need to know

There are numerous variables associated with a ‘warehouseman exemption’ and as such each application is assessed individually on the information provided. Should your application be approved it may be subject to certain conditions including but not limited to:

  • Only licensed firearms can be warehoused under your warehouseman exemption.
  • All firearms and ammunition are to be stored as per Regulation 11A and secured in a cabinet in accordance with Schedule 4 of the Firearms Regulations 1974 or as approved alternate storage.
  • Any handgun subject of a Dealer, Repairer or Manufacturer’s Licence must be stored in accordance with the WA Police Force Dealer, Repairer and Manufacturers Handgun Security Policy.
  • You are required to keep a register of all movements of firearms and ammunition stored. The register is to be made available upon request to any police officer.

Warehouseman: what you need to provide

In order to become an `approved warehouseman’ the following information must be provided with your application:

  • Premise and building details, including floor plan;
  • Storage facility details - Storage of firearms and ammunition must meet the requirements of Schedule 4 of the Firearms Regulations 1974 or be approved as alternate to Schedule 4. Any handgun subject of a Dealer, Repairer or Manufacturer’s licence must be stored in accordance with the WA Police Force Dealer, Repairer and Manufacturers Handgun Security Policy;
  • Details of operational procedures in place to ensure safe storage and handling of firearms and or ammunition;
  • A nominated person application (PDF, 623KB) for any persons who will have access to the firearms and or ammunition;
  • Details of any other security measures implemented for the storage and handling of firearms and ammunition;
  • A completed Form 22 storage statement (PDF, 420KB), with full colour quality photographs of any storage cabinet or storage container that will be used to store firearms or ammunition during transportation.

Making an application 

The application form for a warehouseman exemption is found in the resources section below.  Once an application has been completed it can be submitted electronically by emailing it directly to the Officer in Charge, Licensing Services via email

Or by post to:

Licensing Services
Locked Bag 9
East Perth, WA 6892

Warehouseman: storage requirements

Specifications for storage cabinets or containers.

The provisions of Regulation 11A (1) Firearms Regulations 1974 apply in respect of security storage.

"A person entitled to possess firearms or ammunition of any kind is to ensure that the firearms or ammunition are stored in accordance with this regulation. Firearms and ammunition are to be stored in a locked cabinet or container that at least meets the specifications described in Schedule 4 or in such other way as is approved".

That part of the regulation that refers to "in such other way as is approved" relates to specific situations where circumstances dictate that another form of security, in the opinion of the Commissioner’s delegated officer at the Western Australia Police Force Licensing Enforcement Division, satisfies the criteria by providing secure storage.

Reference is also made to specific matters related to cabinet key security, ammunition storage and method of fixing the cabinet or container to two immovable surfaces.  

It is a requirement that an applicant for the issue of a licence or permit provide supporting advice. Click the links or refer to Form 22 storage statement (PDF, 420KB) and Form 22 storage statement example (PDF, 1.1MB).

Propellant and black powder storage 

Storage of Black powder falls under the Department of Mines and Petroleum. All enquiries should be referred to the Department of Mines and Petroleum.

Storage security requirements (Sch. 4)

  • Firearms and ammunition are to be stored in a locked cabinet or container that at least meets the specifications described in Schedule 4 or in such other way as is approved.
  • A cabinet or container that can be unlocked with a key is to be regarded as unlocked if the key is left in the lock or is otherwise accessible where the cabinet or container is located.
  • A magazine is not to contain any ammunition when it is stored.
  • Ammunition is not to be stored in a cabinet or container in which a firearm is stored unless the ammunition is in another locked metal container in which no firearm is stored and which is securely affixed so as to prevent its removal from the cabinet or container.
  • The requirements of this regulation are in addition to, not instead of, any requirements under the Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004.


Specifications for storage cabinets or containers.

  • The cabinet or container is to be constructed of mild steel that is 2 mm thick.
  • A joint between 2 faces that is butt welded is to have a continuous weld along the full length of the joint.
  • A joint where the edge of one face is folded over the edge of another face is to be stitch welded, with welds of at least 20 mm in length at intervals of not more than 100 mm between welds.
  • Spot welding is not to be used on the joints between faces.
  • The cabinet or container is to be so designed that no firearm or ammunition within it can be removed from it while it is locked.
  • In this clause: 'face' means a side, the top, or the bottom, of the cabinet or container.


  • Doors are to be recessed into the surrounding frame with margins of not more than 4 mm.
  • Each edge of the door and door frame is to be internally supported and have a return of at least 10 mm.
  • The cabinet or container is to have an internal stop of at least 10 mm against which each edge of the door, other than the hinged edge, closes.
  • The supports and stops required by sub clauses (2) and (3) are to be welded at the corners.

Hinging mechanisms

  • Hinge protection is to be provided in such a way that, if the hinges are removed, the door of the cabinet or container remains in place and locked.
  • If the hinged edge of the door is not longer than 1 metre, 2 hinges are required on it, and if it is longer than 1 metre, an additional hinge is required for each additional 500 mm or part thereof.
  • If 2 hinges are required, the distance between them is to be not less than one-third of the length of the hinged edge.
  • If more than 2 hinges are required the distance between adjacent hinges is to be the same and that is also to be the distance from each of the outermost hinges to the nearest end of the hinged edge.
  • If a spindle is used instead of hinges, it is to extend the full length of the hinged edge of the door and is to be attached to the door by welds the number and placement of which comply with the requirements of sub clauses (2), (3), and (4) for the number and placement of hinges.
  • If, instead of using hinges, the door swings on a spindle or on pivots not extending the full length of the hinged edge of the door, the cabinet or container is to incorporate a return protecting the hinged edge, along its full length, against the use of a jemmy.

Locks and locking points

  • If the swinging edge of the door is not longer than 500 mm, one lock is required with a locking point half way along that edge.
  • If the swinging edge is longer than 500 mm but not longer than 1.5 metres:
    a) 2 locks are required each with a separate locking point along the swinging edge; and
    b) the distance between the 2 locking points is to be not less than one-third of the length of the swinging edge.
  • If the swinging edge is longer than 1.5 metres:
    a) for each additional 500 mm or part thereof there is to be an additional lock with a separate locking point along the swinging edge; and
    b) the distance between adjacent locking points is to be the same and that is also to be the distance from each of the outermost locking points to the nearest end of the swinging edge.
  • It is sufficient compliance with sub clause (2) if, when the swinging edge is longer than 500 mm but not longer than 1.5 metres, there is one lock with at least 3 separate locking points.
  • Each lock is to have a 5 pin mechanism that deadlocks the bolt in the locked position until it is properly unlocked.
  • If the locking bolt is designed to be released by a handle or lever, the design is to be such that, if the handle or lever is forcibly removed while the door is locked, the bolt remains in the locked position.
  • The cabinet or container is to be fitted with a protective structure to guard against the forcible removal of any lock.
  • In this clause: "locking point" means the point at which the bolt locks the door to the cabinet or container, preventing the door from opening; "swinging edge" means the edge of the door opposite the hinged edge.


  • The cabinet or container is to be securely anchored from the inside at 2 points on each of 2 separate surfaces to 2 immovable structural surfaces by means of 8 mm x 75 mm masonry fixing bolts or coach screws, as is appropriate.
  • At each anchor point the cabinet or container is to be reinforced with a 40 mm x 40 mm x 2 mm metal plate, or a 40 mm x 2 mm metal washer, fitted between the surface of the cabinet or container and the head of the bolt or coach screw.

[Schedule 4 inserted in Gazette 6 Dec 1996 p. 6847-9.]

Statutory declaration

Under the Firearms Regulations 1974 11A (1),

"a person entitled to possess firearms or ammunition of any kind is to ensure that the firearms or ammunition are stored in accordance with this regulation".

In compliance with this regulation, a Firearms Licence applicant is required to submit a statement detailing their proposed storage facilities to the WA Police Force.

The Form 22 storage statement will form as part of the Firearms Licence application process and the storage statement is to be provided on request prior to finalisation of the licence assessment. (See 11A and 11C of the Firearms Regulations 1974).

Failure to comply would result in refusal and/or revocation of Firearms Licences.

Please note: The Form 22 storage statement is to include supporting evidence that adequate and safe storage had been installed i.e. receipt from installer and/or photograph of the cabinet in situ with anchoring and/or fixing points.

More information on specifications for storage cabinets or containers is in Schedule 4 Firearms Regulations 1974 which can be found in the Related Information section below.

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