WA Police Force community diversity and substantive equality

The WA Police Force recognise community and cultural diversity as an enriching and fundamental feature of our society and is committed to providing effective policing services that are accessible, culturally appropriate, and equally responsive to all communities of Western Australia.
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Multicultural communities

View the Multicultural Action Plan 2023–2025 (MAP) (PDF, 2MB) for an outline of strategies that ensure WA Police Force operations, services and programs are inclusive and accessible to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, including employees.

People with disability

View the WA Police Force Access and Inclusion Plan 2023–2025 (PDF, 1.3MB). It is applicable to every police officer, employee, contractor and agent of the WA Police Force. 

Email substantiveequality@police.wa.gov.au if you require the plan in an alternative format.

If you are a victim of abuse and do not wish to speak directly to police, you can contact the National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline on 1800 880 052 and they will assist and support you with handling your abuse claim.

Accessible information

The WA Police Force ensures information about police functions and services are available in alternative formats upon request. 

Submit an accessible information request.

People of diverse sexuality and/or gender

The WA Police Pride is a dedicated network of LGBTQIA+ staff and allies who support LGBTQIA+ employees and all other employees collectively, providing a welcoming alliance and safe place to meet, connect and chat. 

Email community.engagement.division@police.wa.gov.au for more information.