Youth At Risk

The Department of Communities supports vulnerable young people by funding Youth At Risk services and programs across Western Australia.
Last updated:

The Department of Communities (Communities) recognises the unique strengths and abilities of all young people and supports them to improve their futures regardless of the difficulties they face.

The At Risk Youth Strategy 2022-2027 (the Strategy) provides support for young people aged 10 to 24 years, with complex and multiple problems who are most at risk of requiring a tertiary and/or statutory response, and aims to work with these young people, their families, and communities to improve their futures.

For Aboriginal young people and their families, there may also be additional challenges associated with living in regional and remote areas, intergenerational trauma, and disadvantage across a range of indicators.

The four Focus Areas of the Strategy are:

  • Focus Area One: Partnerships, collaboration, and integrated responses.
  • Focus Area Two: Targeted initiatives to improve long term outcomes.
  • Focus Area Three: Strengthening the services system for at risk young people.
  • Focus Area Four: Services and supports for Aboriginal young people.

Communities is working in partnership with the Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA) on the implementation of the Strategy, which includes co-Chairing the multi-agency At Risk Youth Reference Group (Reference Group). The Reference Group provides strategic advice from a portfolio perspective and drives the implementation of the Strategy.

The smaller activity based At Risk Youth Implementation Group (Implementation Group) has also been established, with its membership drawn from the broader Reference Group or nominated representatives. It will be the function of the Implementation Group to develop specific actions and deliverables in Implementation Plans. The Implementation Group reports to the Reference Group on progress.

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