2. Trigger verification process
Print the certificate of duty and enter it into the ELNO workspace to trigger the duty verification process.
3. Unsuccessful verification
If there are any errors on verification, check the details of the error message to determine what action is required. See the list of error messages and actions.
4. Successful verification
Once you receive a successful duty verification, the details of a No Double Duty certificate will be issued into your ELNO workspace. This will allow you to proceed to settle at your scheduled time.
5. Arrange payment
At the time of settlement, you must arrange for the total assessment amount owing to be held in your trust account to be paid in your monthly return. Duty that was due to be paid prior to settlement should have already been submitted to the Commissioner in a previous monthly return.
6. If settlement doesn't go ahead
If duty has not yet been paid or is due to be paid, void the certificate of duty to remove it from your monthly return and reprint it when you are ready to settle. Enter the new certificate number into the ELNO workspace. You must not void the certificate of duty once settlement has occurred.