eConveyancing: managing verification issues

Electronic conveyancing requires verification that transfer duty has been paid on a transaction before settlement can occur, which may trigger duties error messages.

The action you take to manage a data error depends on the type of error you receive.

If the data is incorrect in the ELNO workspaceAmend the data in the ELNO workspace
If the data is incorrect in Online DutiesAmend the data in Online Duties. If a new certificate of duty is required to be issued, enter the new certificate details into the ELNO workspace and try to verify again.
If the data is incorrect in a Commissioner’s assessmentContact us to amend the data provided. If a new certificate of duty is required to be issued, enter the new certificate details into the ELNO workspace and try to verify again. 

If you need assistance to identify the cause of the mismatch, please contact your ELNO Helpdesk.


Error codes

The following information may help you resolve mismatch issues.

DescriptionThe number of land items provided doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. Disregard this warning if you are processing more than one transfer.
ActionWarning only. Check land items lodged with RevenueWA against the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionA consideration GST amount has been provided which is not required.
ActionInformation only. Check consideration amount. 
DescriptionRevenueWA has no record of the certificate number provided. 
ActionMake sure the certificate number entered in the ELNO workspace is for the original certificate of duty and the transaction hasn’t been cancelled or voided. 
DescriptionThe certificate number relates to a transaction that is overdue for payment.
ActionPay the overdue return then try again.
DescriptionThe certificate number provided relates to a voided transaction. 
ActionEnter the correct certificate number in the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionRevenueWA has multiple clients linked to the same ELNO Subscriber ID. 
ActionContact RevenueWA to link the correct ELNO Subscriber ID.
DescriptionThe Client ID provided doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 

Confirm the Client ID you are entering in the ELNO workspace is correct.

DescriptionThe land details provided don’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the land details (folio, volume, lot details) are the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe land description details provided don’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the land details (plan, survey, diagram) and interest in land (whole, part) are the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe estate type doesn’t contain the correct value. 
ActionMake sure the estate type is eligible for electronic settlement. If your transaction is not approved for electronic conveyancing, you need to complete a paper settlement.
DescriptionThe consideration type provided doesn't match RevenueWA's records.
ActionMake sure the consideration type (monetary, non-monetary) is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe consideration details provided don’t match RevenueWA's records.
ActionPlease check the consideration details (monetary value, gift, natural love and affection etc) lodged with RevenueWA against ELNO workspace and correct any mismatch.
DescriptionThe number of transferees doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the number of transferees is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe tenancy type doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records for the Transferee. 
ActionMake sure the tenancy type (joint tenants, tenants in common) for the transferee is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe tenancy type doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records for the Transferor. 
ActionMake sure the tenancy type (joint tenants, tenants in common) for the transferor is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe duty request doesn’t contain the correct involved parties. 
ActionMake sure the number of involved parties are the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe party type for one of the involved parties doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the party type (individual, company, Government etc) for all involved parties is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe legal entity name for one of the involved parties doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the legal entity name for all involved parties is the same and spelled correctly in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe number of land details provided exceeds RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the number of land items is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe intended settlement date hasn’t been provided. 
ActionEnter the intended settlement date in the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe share fraction provided for the transferees doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the share fraction for the transferees is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThis transaction has unprocessed modifications. 
ActionOnline Duties transactions that are modified after 7pm (AWST) will not be processed until 6am (AWST) the following day. Wait until your modification has been processed and try again.
DescriptionRevenueWA has no record of a client association to the ELNO Subscriber ID provided. 

If a self-assessment – link the Subscriber ID.

If a Commissioner’s assessment – contact RevenueWA to link the Subscriber ID.

DescriptionThe contract for sale date provided doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the contract for sale date is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe certificate number provided doesn’t belong to the Client ID held by RevenueWA. 
ActionMake sure the certificate number entered in the ELNO workspace is for the original certificate that hasn’t been cancelled or voided and that the correct Client ID has been entered.
DescriptionThe transaction type is not an agreement to transfer dutiable property. This transaction cannot be processed via the ELN.
ActionOnly certain transactions are eligible for eConveyancing. If your transaction is not approved for electronic conveyancing, you need to complete a paper settlement.
DescriptionThe request message doesn’t provide detail on whether the transfer document has previously been unsigned. 
ActionPlease contact the ELNO for assistance.
DescriptionThe trust indicator has been set to 'No', however, a trust name has been provided. 
ActionMake sure the trust indicator is ‘Yes’ in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe trust name for one of the involved parties doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the trust name for all involved parties is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe ACN for one of the involved parties doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the ACN for all involved parties is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe share fraction provided for the transferors doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records.
ActionMake sure the share fraction for the transferors is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe capacity of one of the transferees doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the capacity (trustee, administrator, executor etc) of the transferees is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe number of transferors doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the number of transferors is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe capacity of one of the transferors doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records.
ActionMake sure the capacity (trustee, administrator, executor etc) of the transferors is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe birthdate for one of the involved parties doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records.
ActionMake sure the birthdates for all involved parties are the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionProcessing error. 
ActionPlease contact the ELNO for assistance.
DescriptionVerification could not be completed due to a technical issue. 
ActionPlease contact the ELNO for assistance.
DescriptionThe trustee indicator hasn’t been provided for an involved party. Please correct the details and re-verify.
ActionMake sure a trustee indicator has been provided for all involved parties in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.

This transaction is not approved for ELNO use because of one of the following reasons:

  • The transaction has been assessed as cancelled in ROL.
  • Additional duty is chargeable on the transfer and therefore it is ineligible for electronic conveyancing.
  • The transaction has been self-assessed at a Local Court.
  • The transaction has been assessed as cancelled by RevenueWA.
  • The transaction does not include any land details.
  • The transaction does not relate to a transfer of land being registered with the Registrar of Titles.
  • The transaction relates to land in a Jurisdiction outside of Western Australia.
ActionOnly certain transactions are eligible for eConveyancing. If your transaction is not approved for electronic conveyancing, you need to complete a paper settlement.
DescriptionThe certificate ID provided is not that of the original certificate. 
ActionMake sure the certificate number entered in the ELNO workspace is for the original certificate that hasn’t been cancelled or voided.
DescriptionThe ABN for one of the involved parties doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records.
ActionMake sure the ABN for all involved parties is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe certificate number and sub-jurisdiction combination provided doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records.
ActionMake sure the certificate number and sub-jurisdiction (Western Australia, Christmas Island, Cocos and Keeling Islands) combinations are the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.

The total interest transferred in the land doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 

This generally applies to related party transactions where duty is not charged on the full  value of the land because one or more existing proprietors will remain on the title. 

ActionMake sure the total interest transferred in the land is the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe capacity detail for one of the involved parties does not match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the capacity details (trustee, administrator, executor etc) for all involved parties are the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe Mortgagor details for one of the Involved Parties does not match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the mortgagor details for all involved parties are the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
DescriptionThe foreign person indicator for one of the transferees doesn’t match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionOnly certain transactions are eligible for eConveyancing. If your transaction is not approved for electronic conveyancing, you need to complete a paper settlement.
DescriptionThe Proprietor details for one of the Involved Parties does not match RevenueWA’s records. 
ActionMake sure the proprietor details for all involved parties are the same in both the RevenueWA lodgment and the ELNO workspace.
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