Dangerous goods fees and charges

Fees and charges for licensing of dangerous goods


Fees and charges highlighted with an asterisk (*) include GST. All others are GST exempt.

Grace period

Where a grace period relates to a licence for a major hazards facility, the provisions of regulation 34 of the Dangerous Goods Safety (Major Hazards Facilities) Regulations 2007 apply. Where referenced for other licences, the grace period is the three months

If you have any enquiries regarding the fees, please email cso@dmirs.wa.gov.au

OOne-off fee or charge
SAnnual fee – original issue or renewal of a licence
FFive-year licence fee – original issue or renewal
AAnnual MHF licence fees
ACAnnual charges based on licensed storage capacity or area occupied

For updated information relating to certificates of competency see Statutory positions

Explosives and firework licensing

Application fees for Dangerous Goods Safety (Explosives) Regulations 2007 as described in Schedule 1.

DescriptionFees (from 1 July 2024)Code
Application for a security card (5 yearly)$185.00O
Application to renew a security card (5 yearly)$54.50O
Application for a test permit$225.00O
Application to have an explosive authorised
If already authorised in another Australian jurisdiction$182.00O
If not already authorised in another Australian jurisdiction$735.00O
Application for a Fireworks Event Permit – one fee being whichever of the following is the highest fee applicable to the event:
For ground firework only events$182.00O
For firework events with less than or equal to 3,000 aerial shells$368.00O
For firework events with greater than 3,000 aerial shells$5,248.00O
Late fee – for event permit applications submitted within two weeks of the event$41.00O

The following licences are referred to as trading licences and have effect for 5 years.

For a new application, the annual fee covers the first year of the licence. Thereafter, the holder will be billed annually and must pay the annual fee before, on or within the grace period.

Where the annual fee is paid within the grace period, the holder must also pay a late payment fee of $41.00

Annual fee for a trading licence or checking fee for licence applications not submitted by an accredited consultant

[as per regulations 157(1)(da) and 174A]

Explosives Import / Export Licence$232.00S
Explosives Manufacture Licence$489.00S
Explosives Manufacture (MPU) Licence$1,130.00S
Explosives Storage Licence:
  • For less than 1 t of explosives
  • For 1 t or more but less than 5 t of explosives
  • For 5 t or more of explosives
Explosives Transport Licence$1,150.00S
Explosives Supply Licence$78.50S

Application for the declaration of a special berth

[as per regulation 111N]


Fee for the issue and renewal of a licence (5 yearly licence)

[as per regulation 157(1)(c)]

Explosives Driver Licence$129.00F
Shotfiring Licence$129.00F
Fireworks Contractor Licence$569.00F
Fireworks Operator Licence$141.00F
Pyrotechnics (Special Use) Licence$141.00F

Annual fee for using a SEF to store explosives

[as per regulation 189]

(a) If the explosive is stored in a magazine provided by the State at a type A facility:
  • (i) If the licence authorises the storage of less than 100 kg of explosive - $270.00
  • (ii) If the licence authorises the storage of 100 kg or more but not more than 1,000 kg of explosive – $270.00 plus $2.30 for each 10 kg or part thereof over 100 kg authorised by the licence
  • (iii) If the licence authorises the storage of 1,000 kg or more of explosive – 125% of the fee in paragraph (b) below for each 1,000 kg or part thereof of the official capacity of the magazine
(b) If the explosive is stored in a magazine provided by the holder at a type A facility - $479.00 for each 1,000 kg or part thereof of the official capacity of the magazine AC*
(c) If the explosive is stored in a magazine at a type B facility – 50% of the fee in paragraph (b) above for each 1,000 kg or part thereof of the official capacity of the magazine AC*

Annual fee for using a SEF to manufacture or store security sensitive ammonium nitrate (SSAN)

[as per regulation 190(2)]

(a) If the SEF is a type A facility – the greater of:
  • (i) $4302.00; or
  • (ii) $13.30 per m2 or part thereof of the area of land occupied by the holder at the SEF other than for storing explosives
(b) if the SEF is a type B facility – 50% of the fee that would be payable if paragraph (a) above applied AC*

Transport licensing

Application fees for Dangerous Goods Safety (Road and Rail Transport of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 as described in Part 22.

DescriptionFees (from 1 July 2024)Code
Issue or renewal of a Dangerous Goods Driver Licence (5 yearly licence)$141.50F
Issue or renewal of a Dangerous Goods Vehicle Licence (5 yearly licence)$895.00F
Application for an approval (e.g. tanker)$357.00O

Storage and handling licensing

Application fees for Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007 as described in Schedule 5.

A dangerous goods site licence has effect for 5 years.

For a new application, the annual fee covers the first year of the licence. Thereafter, the holder will be billed annually and must pay the annual fee before, on or within the grace period.

Where the annual fee is paid within the grace period, the holder must also pay a late payment fee of $41.00.

DescriptionFees (from 1 July 2024)Code
Annual fee for a licence or checking fee for licence applications not submitted by an accredited consultant [as per regulations 26 and 44A]
Less than 50,000 kg or L270.00S
50,000 kg or L or more903.00S

Application for the declaration of a special berth

[as per regulation 135I]


Major hazard facilities

Application fees for Dangerous Goods Safety (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2007 as described in Schedule 3.

Application for approval of a Safety Report [as per regulation 26]

DescriptionFees (from 1 July 2024)Code
For a Class A facility$126,000.00O
For a Class B facility$101,000.00O
For a Class C facility$76,000.00O
For a Class D facility$20,000.00O

A site licence for a major hazard facility has effect for 5 years.

For a new application, the annual fee covers the first year of the licence. Thereafter, the holder will be billed annually and must pay the annual fee before, on or within the grace period.

Where the annual fee is paid within the grace period, the holder must also pay a late payment fee of $41.00.

Annual site licence fee for a major hazard facility [as per regulation 34]

DescriptionFees (from 1 July 2024)Code
For a Class A facility$126,000.00S
For a Class B facility$101,000.00S
For a Class C facility$76,000.00S
For a Class D facility$20,000.00S

Security sensitive ammonium nitrate (SSAN) licensing

Application fees for Dangerous Goods Safety (Security Sensitive Ammonium Nitrate) Regulations 2007 as described in Schedule 1.

SSAN licences have effect for 5 years.

For a new application, the annual fee covers the first year of the licence. Thereafter, the holder will be billed annually and must pay the annual fee before, on or within the grace period.

Where the annual fee is paid within the grace period, the holder must also pay a late payment fee of $41.00.

DescriptionFees (from 1 July 2024)Code

Annual fee for a licence or checking fee for licence applications not submitted by an accredited consultant

[as per regulations 30(1) (c) and 46A]

SSAN Import / Export Licence$232.00S
SSAN Manufacture Licence$433.00S
SSAN Storage Licence$203.00S
SSAN Transport Licence$217.00S
SSAN Supply Licence$187.00S
SSAN Fertiliser Licence$71.00S
Last updated:
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