Collie Just Transition News

See what's powering Collie's future
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Learn more about what’s powering Collie’s future by reading the latest updates in the Collie Just Transition News.

See the Newsletter displayed at locations across the Town Centre, and hear about Just Transition milestones and plans, available support, and new opportunities emerging within the Collie community as the region works to diversify its economy.

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Collie Just Transition Podcast

Produced in partnership with Collie Community Radio, you can listen to the Collie Just Transition Podcast and hear direct from the Just Transition Working Group members on planning ahead to secure Collie’s bright future.

Covering the latest news, milestones, and achievements of Collie’s Just Transition journey, you can learn about the opportunities emerging for the community and industries as the region moves toward a greener and more diversified economy.

Stream the latest episodes 

Do you have something you want to hear more about on the Collie Just Transition Podcast? Let us know or submit your questions here.

Collie Just Transition wording with a microphone icon