Department of the Premier and Cabinet
What we do
We provide quality policy and administrative advice and support to the Premier and Cabinet Ministers, and play a central role in Executive Government functions in Western Australia.
Read about our values, goals and deliverables in our Strategic Plan. Detail about our key service areas is included in our Annual Report.
Through OnBoardWA, we provide a connection for potential candidates with Western Australian boards and committees.
We also provide administrative support for Cabinet and its sub-committees as well as the following:
Ministerial reporting
Hon Roger Cook BA GradDipBus MBA MLA
Hon Stephen Dawson MLC
Hon Don Punch BPsych BSocwk MBA MLA
Corporate executive
Richard Sellers
Fiona Hunt
Amanda Pickrell PSM
Greg Italiano
Sonja O'Leary
Julian Wright
Make a Freedom of Information request
In accordance with Part 5, section 94 of the Freedom of Information Act 1992, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet has prepared a Freedom of Information statement. This contains details of the types of information held by this Office and how they can be accessed.