We work with government agencies across Western Australia to help ensure land planning and developments consider our state's water and environment.
We provide water and environmental advice into all levels of land planning from strategic, statewide scales to local development.
Our staff are located in regional offices throughout WA which enables us to work closely with local stakeholders on planning proposals.
Strategic advice
Show moreOne of the key functions of our advice program is the implementation of integrated land and water planning.
Integrated land and water planning considers all aspects of water including drinking water, groundwater, stormwater run-off, wastewater, waterway health and water reuse.
We engage with state government agencies to provide input into legislation, policies, guidelines and strategic documents to ensure an integrated approach to development, land use planning and water planning.
Advice to statutory planning referrals
Show moreIntegrated land and water planning enables decision makers to coordinate water resource management requirements with other land use planning obligations at various points in the planning process. It also informs sustainable urban planning and development decisions, and results in better urban water management.
State and local governments request our specialist advice and assessment about how different types of land planning and development proposals might impact water and the environment.
We provide water resource management advice on proposals administered under the legislation of the relevant state government agencies, including the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety(link is external), and the Environmental Protection Authority(link is external); local governments; and other regulatory functions of our department.
When we assess the risks from land planning and development proposals, we may provide advice on the following water resource considerations:
- The need to apply for licences and permits(link is external) under the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914, Waterways Conservation Act 1976 and Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947
- Public drinking water source areas proclaimed under the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Act 1909 and the Country Areas Water Supply Act 1947
- Flood planning and mapping
- Estuaries
- Rivers(link is external)
- Stormwater and urban water design(link is external)
- Water quality(link is external)
- Environmental water requirements(link is external)
- Water service licensing
- Water recycling
- Water efficiency
Although often subject to separate approval processes, we also provide general advice on the following environmental considerations to ensure planning and approvals processes are aligned:
- possible regulatory requirements under the Contaminated Sites Act 2003
- clearing of native vegetation under Part V the Environmental Protection Act 1986
- industry regulation under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986
- air quality
- environmental noise.
Clearance of development conditions
Show moreIn some circumstances, depending on the level of risk posed by a subdivision, we may request the Western Australian Planning Commission to apply one or more conditions of approval to the development.
For us to clear conditions, landowners or their consultants need to submit relevant supporting information to demonstrate that the requirements of the condition have been met.
Lodging requests for advice
Show moreThe quickest and most convenient way to lodge a request for our advice on statutory referrals, management plans and reports, and general queries is via WaterOnline(link is external) – Planning advice.
The upload facility allows you to provide supporting documents and reports, including those which would normally exceed email size limits. You will receive immediate acknowledgement of your request.
If you wish to submit a request for advice by post, fax or email, please contact our regional offices.
General enquiries about where to send land use planning requests can be directed to 1800 508 885 (Option 2) or planning.enquiry@dwer.wa.gov.au(link sends email).