Oakover Parkinsonia management

The Pilbara Environmental Offsets Fund (PEOF) team worked with the Warrawagine Pastoral Station lessee, the Pilbara Mesquite Management Committee and Pilbara Ecological to co-design a biodiversity offset project.
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This project was approved for funding by the Minister for Environment and groundwork started in May 2024.

The project area falls within the Nyamal Native Title determination area. In accordance with the PEOF co-design and engagement framework, discussions continue between both Nyamal Aboriginal Corporation (NAC), the pastoral lessee and the PEOF to ensure this projects aligns with and supports the Traditional Owner objectives for managing Country.

Pilbara Ecological will receive about $1.3 million in funding over five years to progress eradication of Parkinsonia aculeata along the Oakover River, downstream of the old Braeside Homestead on Warrawagine Station near Meentheena Reserve. The project aims to improve an estimated 2,000 ha of riparian vegetation with a 20-year goal of localised eradication and reduced colonisation of Parkinsonia downstream.

Both riparian vegetation and ‘good to excellent’ vegetation is required to be offset through the PEOF as a requirement under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986, through implementation conditions in Ministerial Statements.

Future expansion of management activities within the Oakover project area may include management of grazing pressures along the riparian edge, management of large feral herbivores and fire management.

NAC support the project and are confident the activities will complement their existing efforts, both upstream and further west around Purungunya - Mentheena Conservation Park where another PEOF project is currently being co-designed with them.

Read more about the Pilbara Environmental Offsets Fund and other projects being delivered through the fund.

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