Environmental Revegetation and Rehabilitation Fund

The Environmental Revegetation and Rehabilitation Fund (ERRF) was launched in July 2020 to help deliver the Offsets Funds for Recovery and Native Vegetation Rehabilitation Scheme programs.
Last updated:

The scope of what is able to be funded from the Environmental Revegetation and Rehabilitation Fund is guided by the principles in the State and Australian Government environmental offset policies, and the State Recovery Plan1.

Consistent with these policies and plans, the Environmental Revegetation and Rehabilitation Fund Investment Strategy outlines how projects will be considered for investment.

Environmental Revegetation and Rehabilitation Fund grants

Grants funded through the Environmental Revegetation and Rehabilitation Fund support on-ground projects in areas of the intensive land use zone where employment has been most affected by COVID-19 and where environmental priorities, such as the strategic delivery of on-ground offset projects, can be achieved.

Note 1 - As the COVID-19 State of Emergency ended on Friday 4 November 2022, all actions relating to prevention, preparation, response and recovery under the State Emergency Management Framework have also ended. This includes the WA Recovery Plan and subsidiary plans like the Green Jobs Plan. The ERRF project will continue to be delivered until June 2026.

2020-21 grant recipients

The following Environmental Revegetation and Rehabilitation Fund grants have been awarded:

  Grant recipient Project summary Grant 
1 Leschenault Community Nursery Nursery upgrade and equipment $260,668
2 Peel-Harvey Catchment Council Seed collection, training and employment $250,000
3 South West Catchments Council Seed collection, training and employment $250,000
4 Greening Australia Frankland River/Denmark – seed collection, training, employment and up to 50 ha of revegetation $728,722
5 Northern Agricultural Catchments Council Seed collection and training $104,000
6 Wheatbelt NRM Seed collection equipment and training $31,556
7 Wheatbelt NRM / Greening Australia Flynn’s Farm – Noongar Budja Rangers – seed collection and training $100,000
8 Leschenault Community Nursery Training and employment $75,000
9 Greening Australia Karridale area – seed collection, training, employment and up to 25 ha of revegetation $632,640
10 Perth NRM Seed collection, training and employment $710,000
11 Nature Conservation Margaret River Arum lily control, training and employment $100,000

The 11 projects from the first funding round have now concluded. These projects have delivered environmental and employment outcomes and have built capacity in the restoration economy.

  • 139 jobs (seasonal and part-time) were created, with many of these participants now engaged in ongoing employment.
  • Employment was targeted at people most disadvantaged through the impacts of COVID-19. Jobs were created for 84 Aboriginal people, eight disabled people, 46 females, 72 young people (under 24) and 96 people living in regional areas (outside Perth and Peel regions).
  • 135 participants completed training, primarily in seed collection, cleaning and storage.
  • 145 kg of native seed has been collected for use in future revegetation projects.
  • 61 ha of weed control was undertaken, targeting the declared pest plant Arum lily in the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park, where it is outcompeting native plants and impacting on the ecological values of the national park.
  • 14 ha of revegetation was completed at a property near Margaret River which was acquired for conservation purposes. The property will be progressively rehabilitated to improve the ecological values and eventually incorporated into the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park.
  • In 2022 a further 50 ha of direct seedling was undertaken in the Great Southern region using seeds collected by the Mount Barker Aboriginal Rangers.

Find out more by viewing these videos:

New partnership to deliver offsets

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has signed a funding agreement with Greening Australia to deliver environmental offsets projects.

As well as creating jobs, these revegetation and rehabilitation projects will restore the biodiversity values that have been lost through the clearing of native vegetation and will deliver offsets identified in the WA Government Environmental Offsets Register.

Projects will be subject to approval by our department to ensure the outputs meet the requirements of legislation and policy. On-ground revegetation works are expected to commence in 2023 and continue through to 2026.

Find out more about our partnership to restore native vegetation and create jobs on the Greening Australia website.

Trees for cockatoos

More than 46,000 seedlings were planted through the Perth, Peel and South-West regions during 2022, delivering part-time employment and environmental benefits.

The seedlings will provide a food source for many birds and animals, including endangered species such as Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo and the Western Ringtail Possum and improve the environmental values of the areas being planted, through revegetation and weed control activities.

Over 5,000 seedlings have been planted in areas impacted by the devastating Wooroloo bushfire in 2021.

The projects have engaged four Aboriginal ranger groups - the Undalup, Bindjareb, Danju and Yued ranger groups - creating jobs for 24 rangers and supervisors, including Aboriginal Elders who are transferring cultural knowledge to the next generation of Aboriginal custodians.

The seedlings have been grown by an Aboriginal-run business in the Wheatbelt, from seed collected by Aboriginal ranger groups during other Green Jobs-funded projects, creating jobs and economic stimulus in this region.

Working in the Wheatbelt

We will be undertaking revegetation projects in the Wheatbelt region to deliver environmental offsets.

This direction will support strategies from the Native vegetation policy for Western Australia, which has identified the Wheatbelt as a priority region for revegetation and restoration.

We are looking for project partners in the Wheatbelt region, as well as other regions of WA for revegetation projects.

How can I get involved?

If you are a landholder or have a suggestion for a potential revegetation project, please get in touch by sending us an email at covidrecoveryproject@dwer.wa.gov.au

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