The Department of Training and Workforce Development provides a number of financial incentive and support programs to support the development of your workforce*.
A summary of the key financial incentives available to employers is provided here. Further detailed information is available on our Jobs & Skills WA website.
Financial incentives information on the Jobs & Skills WA website(link is external)
Free support and assistance
Whatever your requirements, Jobs and Skills Centres (JSCs) offer free support and assistance with planning and developing your workforce. Services include support with recruitment, identifying your training needs, establishing a workforce development plan, finding an apprentice or trainee, and accessing financial incentives.
JSCs are located throughout Perth and across regional WA. Call your local centre on 13 64 64, or visit the Jobs & Skills WA website to find out more and locate your nearest centre.
Find out how a JSC can help you(link is external)
Jobs & Skills WA Employer Incentive
The Jobs & Skills WA Employer Incentive (JSWAEI) provides financial assistance for WA businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee.
Eligible employers will receive a base payment amount of up to $8,500, and may also be eligible for additional loading payments.
Find out more about the JSWAEI here(link is external)
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Re-Engagement Incentive
This incentive provides financial assistance to WA businesses that employ an apprentice or trainee whose training contract was terminated or cancelled by a previous employer, leaving them unable to complete their apprenticeship or traineeship. This enables employers to employ a person who has existing skills and knowledge gained through their previous training and employment.
Eligible employers (including group training organisations) will receive a one-off payment of $6,000 for re-engaging an apprentice and $3,000 for re-engaging a trainee.
Find out more about the ATRI here(link is external)
Construction Training Fund Apprentice Completion Grant
This grant is a one off payment of $2,000 plus a $500 reimbursement for tools and safety equipment for construction apprentices and trainees who complete their qualification between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.
Find out more about the ACG here(link is external)
Construction Training Fund employer grants
The WA Construction Training Fund (CTF) supports employers to reduce the cost of employing an apprentice or trainee in a range of building and construction occupations in WA, through the provision of the following grant payments.
- Apprenticeship and Traineeship Grant for Employers – up to $24,800 over the nominal duration of the apprenticeship/traineeship
- Disaster Recovery Grant – up to $3,000 annually to June 2025, for employers of apprentices and trainees working in areas of WA affected by declared natural disasters
Find out more about CTF employer grants here(link is external)
Construction Training Fund Apprentice Accommodation Allowance Program
This program provides financial assistance for eligible apprentices and trainees living in regional WA, who need to travel to attend scheduled off the job training with a registered training organisation (RTO).
The allowance covers the difference between the Department of Training and Workforce Development’s Travel and Accommodation Allowance (TAA), and the apprentice or trainee’s out of pocket expenses for commercial accommodation.
Find out more about the AAAP here(link is external)
Defence Industry Existing Worker Incentive
This incentive provides financial assistance for WA businesses undertaking work in WA's defence industry, who employ an existing worker trainee in one of the following qualifications:
- Certificate IV in Cyber Security (two-year traineeship);
- Diploma of Advanced Technologies (three-year traineeship); and
- Diploma of Engineering – Technical (two-year traineeship).
Eligible employers receive up to $4,250 (two-year traineeship), or $6,375 (three-year traineeship).
Find out more about DIEWI here(link is external)
Defence Industry Reskilling and Upskilling grant program
This grant program is part of the $11 million white (professional) and grey (paraprofessional) collar workforce development package announced by the WA State Government in its 2023—23 State Budget, with funding totalling $2.5 million over three years.
The DIRU program allows eligible defence industry firms, consortia of firms and defence industry peak organisations to apply for funds to develop new credit bearing micro-credentials, accredited short courses and skill sets in partnership with a Team WA university and/or a WA-based training provider and have it delivered to new or existing workers as and when required.
Find out more about DIRU here(link is external)
Group Training Organisation Wage Subsidy
The GTO Wage Subsidy assists small to medium enterprises working in WA's building and construction sector, by providing access to 300 apprentices and trainees employed through group training organisations (GTOs).
Eligible GTOs receive wage subsidy payments in arrears, to the total value of $95,237 (three-year apprenticeship) or $134,625 (four-year apprenticeship). Subsidy payments cover the average estimated award wage paid to apprentices and trainees in the building and construction sector.
Find out more about the GTO Wage Subsidy here(link is external)
WA Group Training Program
This program provides financial assistance to group training organisations (GTOs) to employ and support apprentices and trainees in priority target groups, and support them through to completion.
Eligible GTOs receive up to $13,400 in incentive payments for employing apprentices or trainees in nominated target groups.
Find out more about the WAGTP here(link is external)
Jobs Board — Find an employee
The Jobs & Skills WA jobs board is supported by our network of 15 Jobs and Skills Centres (JSCs) across WA who work directly with jobseekers and employers. Your local JSC will work with you to put your vacancy together, then post it on our jobs board
Once posted to the jobs board, we can also promote your employment opportunity through our social media channels and to all WA JSCs. These services are all free.
Jobs & Skills WA jobs board(link is external)
If you have an employment opportunity for an Aboriginal person, we have a dedicated Aboriginal services jobs board. Your local JSC can assist in posting your vacancy, and this is also a free service.
Aboriginal services jobs board(link is external)
Skills Recognition Apprenticeship Program
Are you an employer in the construction industry? Do you have employees with skills, experience and knowledge, but no formal qualification? Would you like to help them achieve a trade qualification through an accelerated apprenticeship program for a range of financial incentives and support?
The Skills Recognition Apprenticeship Program (SRAP) offers your employees the opportunity to have their construction industry skills, knowledge and experience assessed and counted towards completion of a nationally recognised trades qualification. Best of all, the assessment is 100% free for eligible applicants — no cost to you or your employee.
Find out more about the SRAP (link is external)
Skilling solutions for workforce development
The Department also offers a range of skilling solutions to help your workers learn, adapt and grow with your business; enabling you to overcome challenges and pursue new opportunities. These include:
- fee-free and reduced-fee vocational education and training courses;
- free short course skill sets for targeted skills development;
- apprenticeships and traineeships;
- an out-of-contract-register to help connect apprentices to new employers;
- free Job Ready programs that provide training pathways to employment and support industry attraction;
- group training organisations; and
- jobs and careers assistance.
Find out more on our Jobs & Skills WA website(link is external)
Travel and Accommodation Allowance
The Department of Training and Workforce Development provides financial assistance to support apprentices and trainees to complete their training contracts.
This allowance aids in the cost of travel and accommodation where there is a requirement for long distance travel to attend off the job training.
Commonwealth Government incentives for employers, apprentices and trainees
Information about Commonwealth Government incentives available to employers of apprentices and trainees can be found at
Visit the Australian Apprenticeships website(link is external)
Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers can also assist with information about accessing incentives.
Find an AASN(link is external)
*for eligible employers