Waste levy calculation and recordkeeping

Landfill levy calculation and recordkeeping under the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Regulations 2008.
Last updated:

Levy calculation

The Department of Water and Environment Regulation CEO approved manner for estimating the volume or weight of waste received at landfills, to be used by landfill operators is available:

Waste levy rate schedule

The waste levy rate schedule provides notice of the anticipated waste levy rates over a five-year period from 1 July 2024.


Regulation 17(1) of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Regulations 2008 (WARR Regulations) requires that, upon receiving waste at a licensed landfill, the landfill licensee must make a record of the waste received at the licensed landfill in accordance with regulation 17(2).

Regulation 17(2) stipulates that the record must be made in an approved form and contain the information detailed in subregulations (2)(a)–(g), depending on the classification of the landfill.

The forms approved for use in recording the required information are listed below. Recordkeeping requirements are different across different landfill types and locations, so it is important that the correct form is used for the type and location of your landfill.

Landfill licensees who have established recordkeeping systems that comply with the approved form, and include all the relevant information which applies to their landfill premises set out in regulation 17 of the WARR Regulations, may continue to use their established system provided they are able to reproduce the required information in a legible format if requested to do so by an authorised person.

Approved forms

Please note that landfills located outside of the Perth metropolitan region are subject to additional recordkeeping requirements as prescribed under regulation 17(2)(g) of the WARR Regulations. These requirements are included in the approved form.

They include a requirement to keep a record of the name and contact details of the supplier of waste and the address from which the waste was originally collected. Where the waste transporter collects waste from a location that is not a prescribed premises, the details of the location from which the waste was collected, such as a private residence, demolition or business premises, need to be provided.


For queries about recordkeeping or assistance completing the forms, please contact our waste levy administration team on 08 6364 6963 or email wastelevy@dwer.wa.gov.au.

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