Waste Data Online is the approved form for making and lodging:
- annual returns under r.18C of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Regulations 2008 (WARR Regulations)
- annual reports on the implementation of waste plans developed under s.40(4) of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007.
Register and login to Waste Data Online
Our resources below can assist you with annual reporting under the WARR Regulations and preparing annual waste plan reports.
Quick video guides
Show moreThese guides provide quick video instructions to assist reporters with data entry in Waste Data Online for local government, recycler and landfill annual return forms.
Video - Starting a liable recycler annual return
Video - Starting a local government annual return
Video - Starting a non-metropolitan landfill annual return
Video - Reporting drop-off services (page 3)
Video - Reporting kerbside services (page 3)
Video - Reporting vergeside services (page 3)
Also see the YouTube playlist for Waste Data Online:
Registration for first time users of Waste Data Online
Show moreWaste data annual returns
Newly liable persons (recyclers, landfills) must register an account in Waste Data Online using the ‘register an account’ link. The registration will allow you to notify the CEO of your liability under r.18B of the WARR Regulations.
Local governments do not need to register.
Refer to annual waste data reporting registration instructions.
Waste plan reports
Local governments submitting waste plan reports do not need to register to use Waste Data Online as they are already set up to use the system.
New reporters and approvers for existing liable persons
New reporters or approvers for existing liable persons, including local governments, need to set up an account by contacting us:
- Waste data reporters and approvers by emailing waste.data@dwer.wa.gov.au.
- Waste plan reporters and approvers by emailing wasteplans@dwer.wa.gov.au.
Annual waste data reporting
Show moreLiable persons, as defined under r.18B of the WARR Regulations, must use Waste Data Online to lodge their annual returns with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) on or before 1 October each year.
Waste Data Online also enables liable persons to notify the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the department that they are liable under r.18B of the WARR Regulations.
Our annual waste data reporting page can help you determine whether your facility is a ‘liable person’. You can also find the CEO notices that contain the information required to be reported under the WARR Regulations, and the procedures to be followed in reporting that information.
For additional assistance please email waste.data@dwer.wa.gov.au.
Annual waste data reporting resources
Show moreOur guides are designed to help you familiarise yourself with Waste Data Online. They provide step-by-step instructions on how to fill in the required data into the forms.
Local government guides
These guides provide information to assist with data entry on the different sections in the local government annual return form.
- Starting a local government annual return (Pages 1 and 2)
- Domestic services – Local government annual return (Page 3)
- Recycled materials – Local government annual return (Page 4)
- Commercial services – Local government annual return (Page 5)
- Costs and charges – Local government annual return (Page 6)
- Littering and illegal dumping, and Review and submit – Local government annual return (Pages 7 and 8)
Recycler guides
These guides provide information to assist with data entry on the different types of liable recycler annual return forms.
- General recycler annual return
- Materials recovery facility annual return
- Organics recycler annual return
Non-metropolitan landfill guide
This guide provides information to assist with data entry on the non-metropolitan landfill annual return form.
Other guides
- Waste Data Online landing pages
- Waste Data Online user role and return status
- Terminology used in Waste Data Online
The following webinars are available to assist liable persons with the reporting requirements and Waste Data Online:
- Waste Data Online webinar for liable landfills (delivered 22 August 2022)
- Waste Data Online webinar for liable recyclers 2022 (delivered 22 August 2022)
- Waste Data Online webinar local government 2022 (delivered 15 August 2022)
- WARR Regulations - Additional information for recyclers of organic waste (delivered 16 August 2021)
- Waste Data Online - Waste plan reporting training (delivered 9 September 2022)
- Waste Data Online webinar for liable recyclers 2023 (delivered 9 August 2023)
Annual reporting on the implementation of waste plans
Show moreLocal governments required to prepare waste plans under s.40(4) of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007 are annually required to report to the department on the implementation of waste plans on or before 1 October of each year.
Waste Data Online must be used to lodge annual waste plan reports.
For more information go to local government waste plans.
How to prepare your waste plan report
These guides provide information on using Waste Data Online to prepare and submit waste plan annual reports:
Frequently asked questions
Show moreWhere an FAQ is relevant to waste plan reporting, this is noted in each response; otherwise, the response is only relevant to reporting under r.18B of the WARR Regulations.
What do I do if I have multiple liabilities under r.18C of the WARR Regulations?
You will need to submit the Notification of liability form for each liability. This means you will need to submit multiple forms if:
- one facility has multiple liabilities
- you have one or more facilities that are liable.
When do I need to notify the department of my liability?
You need to inform the department of your liability before you lodge your annual return.
Under r.18C(1) of the WARR Regulations, annual returns are due on 1 October each year for the preceding financial year.
What type of users can be registered for a facility?
Waste Data Online enables you to register multiple ‘reporters’, a primary contact and an ‘approver’ (CEO of the organisation, or equivalent).
The reporter should enter the required information and forward the annual return or waste plan report to the approver for internal approval. The approver should review the information entered and lodge the annual return or waste plan report with our department.
For some facilities, the reporter and approver may be the same person. In these cases, internal approval is not required.
I have used the Notification of liability form to register for Waste Data Online and I have not received my login details. What do I do?
Please contact waste.data@dwer.wa.gov.au for assistance.
Am I required to notify the department of my liability every year?
Waste Data Online will display your completed 18B(5) notification form before you start a new annual return. By confirming these details are correct, you are notifying the department of your liability.
If the details on the form are no longer correct, you will need to inform the department via waste.data@dwer.wa.gov.au.
What browsers are compatible with Waste Data Online?
Waste Data Online is not compatible with Internet Explorer. We recommend you use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
I have forgotten my password. What do I do?
Click ‘Forgot your password?’ on Waste Data Online and enter your email in the specified field to request a password reset.
I have forgotten the email I used to register an account. What do I do?
For annual waste data reporting please contact waste.data@dwer.wa.gov.au.
For waste plan reporting please contact wasteplans@dwer.wa.gov.au.
I need to register a new user or remove an existing user from my entity. What do I do?
For annual waste data reporting please contact waste.data@dwer.wa.gov.au.
For waste plan reporting please contact wasteplans@dwer.wa.gov.au.
How can I learn to use Waste Data Online?
Training materials and guidance are available via the weblinks in the sections above. The department will also provide training for liable persons via webinars. We will inform you when this is available.
If you need assistance with Waste Data Online now, please email waste.data@dwer.wa.gov.au.
If you have a question specific to waste plan reporting, please email wasteplans@dwer.wa.gov.au.
Who can lodge an annual return?
The department’s preference is for the liable person’s CEO (or equivalent) to lodge the annual return under r.18C of the WARR Regulations. The liable person’s CEO (or equivalent) may choose to appoint another suitable officer, such as a senior manager, to lodge the annual return (the 'approver').
The department must be informed in writing of the appointment and this correspondence must contain the CEO’s signature (digital or pdf letter attached to an email).
All correspondence should be directed to waste.data@dwer.wa.gov.au for annual waste data reporting.