E-waste to landfill ban in WA

Phase 1 regulations came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Last updated:

As electronics and electrical items have become essential to the lives of most Western Australians, e-waste has become one of the fastest-growing waste streams in Australia.

In support of WA’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (waste strategy), it is important to increase the recovery of valuable materials in many electrical items which are lost when sent to landfill. The aim is also to protect the environment from hazardous materials contained in e-waste and protect people from the risk of fires caused by batteries.

The WA Government is delivering a statewide industry ban on e-waste disposal to landfill by 2024 which supports the objectives of the waste strategy:

  • Western Australians recover more value and resources from waste
  • Western Australians protect the environment by managing waste responsibly.

E-waste Infrastructure Grants Program

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) will administer more than $10 million in grant funding from 2023 through a series of competitive grant rounds

The grants program supports the ban by funding increased e-waste collection, storage and/or reuse including e-waste processing/recycling.


The first consultation period commenced in January 2023, whereby industry and the community were encouraged to provide feedback to the WA Government via the Ban on e-waste disposal to landfill in Western Australia consultation. This consultation period closed on 31 March 2023.

View the following documents:

Building on the first consultation, a second consultation period ran from September to November 2023, seeking public comment on the consultation draft of the Waste Avoidance and Resource (e-waste) Regulations 2023. An information paper was provided for guidance.

View the following documents:

Next steps

View the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (e-waste) Regulations 2024.

The regulations commenced on 1 July 2024, implementing a regulatory ban of e-waste from disposal to landfill in Western Australia. Items banned in Phase 1 includes those covered under national product stewardship schemes, or with material recovery pathways available as an alternative to landfill such as:

  • screens, information technology and telecommunications
  • lighting and lamps
  • large appliances when used in a home, office or professional environment
  • batteries
  • temperature exchange equipment when used in a home, office or professional environment
  • medical devices.

View the following document:

Potential future phases of the e-waste to landfill ban in WA are likely to include more items once material recovery pathways are established. For instance, future bans may be brought into effect once the Australian Government has committed to developing a regulatory scheme to reduce waste from small electrical products and solar photovoltaic systems.

Compliance and enforcement

Phase 1 regulations commenced on 1 July 2024 banning the disposal of regulated e-waste items to landfill. We are taking an education-focused approach as part of the introduction of these changes, noting that department expects businesses and public entities to demonstrate reasonable efforts to comply with the ban. 

However, the department will take action in accordance with its Compliance and enforcement policy where there is evidence of activity that may cause harm to the environment or human health in accordance with provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

If you suspect regulated e-waste is being unlawfully managed or disposed of, please report it to the department’s Environment Watch hotline 1300 784 782 (24 hours) or email environmentwatch@dwer.wa.gov.au.

Australian Standards quoted in the Regulations

Australian Standards (AS) are sometimes quoted in government regulations to provide the basis for industry standards for the matter it relates to.

The Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (e-waste) Regulations 2024 (Regulations) for e-waste ban to landfill in WA refer to Australian Standard AS 5377:2022 Management of electrical and electronic equipment for re-use or recycling (AS 5377:2022).

The standard provides guidance and assurance to individuals and businesses on what constitutes 'reasonable' conduct for the collection and storage, transport, preparation for re-use and treatment of e-waste as set out in AS 5377:2022 and referenced in the Regulations.

Please note, AS 5377:2022 is copyright to Standards Australia, and accordingly, this may be:

  • discussed with a relevant officer in person or on the telephone
  • viewed free of charge at Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, 8 Davidson Terrace, Joondalup, between 8.30am and 5.00pm on weekdays.

Because of copyright, the department may not:

  • email quotes of text taken from AS 5377:2022
  • permit photocopying or photos to be taken on a mobile phone.

Should you require a copy of the standard please contact Standards Australia. See the contacts page for an online enquiry form or telephone 1800 035 822 (free call) or 02 9237 6000 or post to GPO Box 476 Sydney NSW 2001.


For exemption inquiries please email ewaste@dwer.wa.gov.au