Traditional Owners and the Pilbara Energy Transition

The State Government is inviting Traditional Owner perspectives and participation in the energy transition, exploring meaningful opportunities for Traditional Owners and recognising the unique cultural heritage and Country of the Pilbara region.
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A shot of a vast and arid landscape in Northern WA

Lowering carbon emissions needs to happen to limit the impact of climate change and protect Country. The State Government has committed to a target of Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. 

Reducing emissions in the Pilbara

  • 40% of WA’s total emissions come from the Pilbara because of the fossil fuels used to generate the electricity used by industry in the region.
  • This means the region has an important role to play in meeting WA’s emission reduction targets.

Recognising culture and Country in the Pilbara Energy Transition

The electricity network in the Pilbara is very different to any other system in Australia. This means there will be unique challenges and opportunities as the system changes and more renewable energy is harnessed from the sun, wind, and other sources. 

The Pilbara Energy Transition (PET) Plan outlines the State Government’s approach to the energy transition, including the importance of recognising and protecting the unique cultural heritage and Country of Traditional Owners across the Pilbara. It recognises that it is important that Traditional Owners and communities have access to a range of opportunities as part of WA’s renewable energy future.

Information for Traditional Owners

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Working towards better outcomes for Aboriginal Western Australians

The Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy 2021-2029 sets out the State Government’s commitment to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to work towards building genuine, effective and respectful relationships and make progress towards equality and equity of social and economic opportunities. 

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Energy Policy WA’s Aboriginal Participation Team has been formed to provide ongoing support and information about the energy transition. If you have questions about the Pilbara Energy Transition, or would like further information or resources, our team is here to help.

Call: 08 6551 4600
Mobile (call or text): 0419 302 231  

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