Regulatory changes in the Pilbara

Energy Policy WA has been progressing work to evolve the regulatory regime to facilitate the future of the Pilbara’s electricity networks.
Last updated:

Energy Policy WA has released two consultation papers on proposed regulatory changes to the Pilbara Networks Access Code (PNAC) and the Pilbara Networks Rules (PNR). 

The proposed changes have been developed as part of the Pilbara Roundtable and Pilbara Advisory Committee work programs. The changes are required to implement the Pilbara Energy Transition Plan, through increased interconnection, increased renewable generation and increased private sector investment.

The consultation papers have been developed to seek feedback from stakeholders on a summary of proposed regulatory changes to the PNAC and PNR. The proposed design of the changes to the access code and rules are provided in the two consultation papers below.

Key objectives of the reforms include:

  • Enabling efficient third‑party access to the North West Interconnected System (NWIS) that facilitates competition and innovation in generation and retail markets.
  • Creating a regulatory environment with clear enforceable rights that allow access seekers to negotiate reasonable terms (e.g. pricing, technical terms, outage regimes) with network owners.
  • Implementing appropriate mechanisms to manage market power of vertically integrated participants.
  • Updating technical standards, system operation and market design to improve governance and transparency.
  • Changing the governance arrangement of the Pilbara Independent System Operator.

We are seeking submissions from stakeholders on the proposals which will be considered in the final design.

Following consideration of the feedback, changes will be made to the PNAC in accordance with the Electricity Industry Act 2004, and to the PNR in accordance with Rule Change Proposals.

Submissions should be provided via email to by 5:00pm WST on Tuesday, 15 April 2025.

Any submissions not marked as confidential will be published on the Energy Policy WA website.

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