WA Youth Action Plan 2024-2027

The State Government has developed a new three-year Youth Action Plan for young people aged 10 to 25 years in Western Australia. Koorlangka Bidi translates to ‘young people’s path’ in Noongar language.
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Koorlangka  Bidi - WA Youth Action Plan 2024-2027

On 28 August 2023, the State Government invited young people and organisations to have their say and inform the development of a Youth Action Plan which aims to improve outcomes for young people in Western Australia.

Young people account for almost 20 per cent of WA’s population, with 19 per cent living in regional WA. That is 540, 290 people, representing a powerful and diverse voice across Western Australia’s population. Their views and ideas have been critical to shaping the Youth Action Plan.

During the six-month consultation process that concluded on 29 March 2024, the State Government heard from over 2,250 young people from all corners of the State (spanning from as far as Fitzroy Crossing to Albany). This included young people with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences including Aboriginal young people; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual plus (LGBTQIA+) young people; young people living with disability; culturally and linguistically diverse young people, young carers and young people who live in regional, rural and remote areas of Western Australia.

We connected with young people in the spaces they felt most comfortable and asked them to share their thoughts through online surveys, workshops, community events and a consultation paper. Various WA Government agencies collaborated on the Youth Action Plan, reflecting a collective effort to meet the diverse needs of young people.

Note: The words ‘our’ and ‘we’ refers to the WA Government.

Our approach

The Youth Action Plan will drive initiatives across six focus areas aligned with what matters most to young people in Western Australia.

Guiding our actions is a vision for:

A Western Australia where all young people matter, and feel and are valued and included, supported to achieve their goals, empowered to shape the world they live in, and lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Achieving this vision will require a collective effort, with actions delivered by many WA Government agencies. We also recognise the vital role that Local Governments and the Australian Government play in supporting the diverse needs of young people and empowering them to thrive and confidently strive into adulthood.

The way forward

Delivering positive outcomes for young people through the Youth Action Plan is a whole-of-government responsibility.

Monitoring our success

During consultations we heard clearly that decision-makers need to ask, listen and act on what young people have to say.

Young people will have an active voice throughout the life of the Youth Action Plan through the Ministerial Youth Advisory Council. (MYAC). MYAC will be engaged regularly throughout the life of the Youth Action Plan to provide feedback and advice to the Interagency Working Group.

Furthermore, to monitor and communicate our successes, we will report annually on our progress. Delivery of the Youth Action Plan will be flexible and responsive to changing priorities and feedback from young people. The annual reporting process will allow us to report on progress, adapt actions or include new actions as needed.

 The journey

Check out the journey (PDF, 2.44MB)


Language is important and can often change over time. Words can also have different meanings for different people.

During consultations, young people were invited to share name ideas for the Youth Action Plan, with over 428 submissions received from across Western Australia. The name voted as the favourite by young people was Koorlangka Bidi which translates to ‘young people’s path’ in Noongar language.

The young person who named the Youth Action Plan resides on Noongar Country. However, we recognise the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples, communities and culture throughout Western Australia and would like to acknowledge the many other languages and dialects.

Please visit the Definitions page for further information on the terms used in the Youth Action Plan.

Thank you!

Thank you to the thousands of amazing young people, including the Ministerial Youth Advisory Council, who played a vital role in shaping this Action Plan.

Thank you also to WA’s youth sector for their ongoing contribution to supporting and empowering young Western Australians for sharing their expertise.

Keep up to date

Keep up to date on further developments of the new Youth Action Plan and get the latest Youth updates from the Department of Communities: Subscribe to the Young People Connect WA database

Resources and further information for young people

Check out the Employment rights for young workers in WA page on the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website for useful links and resources which aim to support young people working in the private sector find the right information to check they are getting paid correctly.

WA Youth Action Plan documents

WA Youth Action Plan 2024-2027 (PDF, 23.37MB)

WA Youth Action Plan snapshot


News story

Inaugural meeting paves way for new WA Youth Action Plan

Yesterday, the Communities’ Youth team hosted the inaugural Youth Action Plan Interagency Working Group workshop - to discuss the findings from the consultation process with young people across the state. These insights helped to identify key priority areas for the 2024 Youth Action Plan.
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