Seniors grants and funding

The Department of Communities provides a range of grants and funding opportunities to stakeholders to provide support, programs and information for older people across Western Australia.
Last updated:

Communities collaborates with stakeholders to develop initiatives that support elder abuse prevention and support and to increase connection with their community. 

Elder abuse grants and funding



Seniors and Ageing grants and funding


  • Age-friendly Communities Connectivity grants
  • WA Seniors Week Community Grants Program provides financial assistance to organisations hosting local events in metropolitan and regional areas of Western Australia during Seniors Week.


  • Advocare as the Seniors Peak in Western Australia and to deliver the WA Elder Abuse Helpline and Information Service - Telephone: 1300 724 679.
  • Playgroup WA Intergenerational Program
  • QEII Geraldton Seniors Centre

Other funding opportunities

For current grants and funding opportunities, visit the Grants Programs page and the Community Grants Directory page.

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