Homelessness Commissioning

The Department of Communities (Communities) homelessness commissioning approach aims to further embed integrated place-based person-centred homelessness services.
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Working with community service providers, the Office of Homelessness is focused on delivering collaborative evidence-based outcomes across the Western Australia’s homelessness service system.


The homelessness commissioning approach and strategic timeline complements All Paths Lead to a Home: Western Australia’s 10-Year Strategy on Homelessness 2020-2030 and embodies Housing First and No Wrong Door as guiding principles.
Informed by and aligned with Western Australia’s State Commissioning Strategy for Community Services and the principles of the Communities Agency Commissioning Plan, the commissioning approach seeks to improve the design and delivery of homelessness services, so they:

  • meet the needs of the people that use them, at the right time and in the right place;
  • are funded appropriately to be sustainable;
  • delivered by organisations that have the right staff and systems in place;
  • are based on evidence of what works and robust quality standards; and
  • are culturally safe and tailored to local community need.

Each part of the commissioning cycle represents opportunities for:

  • collaboration between service users, providers and government and how each provides value; and
  • to make changes to the system and build the capability of service providers within the system.

The Office of Homelessness aims to facilitate sustainable and ongoing change in the homelessness system to deliver outcomes for individuals and the community that meet current and evolving needs.

Latest news

More than $90 million boost to critical homelessness services

The Cook Labor Government has committed $92.2 million in new funding for homelessness initiatives in the 2024-25 Budget, including funding to ensure the continuation of more than 120 critical homelessness services across Western Australia.

The funding will ensure existing homelessness services continue to deliver vital support for Western Australia’s most vulnerable community members.

Find out more about this homelessness services funding announcement

Homelessness commissioning webinars

The Office of Homelessness will hold regular online webinars to inform key stakeholders on the progress of the homelessness commissioning work and provide an opportunity for all parties to ask questions and seek information.

Visit the Resources for sector partners page for recent webinars and more information.