Homelessness Commissioning: Resources for sector partners

The Department of Communities is changing the way it delivers Homelessness services to achieve better outcomes for Western Australians.
Last updated:

May 2024


Key points covered in this webinar

1. Recent funding announcements:

  • $70.2 million to support the sustainability of services during the extension period for the relevant service agreements.
    • Service providers have now received further information regarding their sustainability funding uplift and extension of Homelessness Service Agreements.
  • $15.7 million to boost Housing First Support Services (HFSS) through expansions in the metropolitan area and Geraldton, establishing the service in Albany, and initial planning and service design in Kalgoorlie.
  • $6.3 million to significantly expand homelessness referral services to ensure that vulnerable Western Australians can be connected with services and accommodation available.
    • Communities is progressing work related to the HFSS and referral service announcement and will be in touch with relevant stakeholders in the coming months.

2. HEART outreach services indicative timeframes:

  • On 18 March 2024, the Office of Homelessness held a face to face consultation session to seek input into the procurement of HEART Outreach services.
  • There was a total of 59 attendees, including 32 community services, 5 ACCOs, 3 local governments with a total 489 comments were collected for analysis.
  • Communities is consolidating feedback from the face to face consultation sessions.
  • This feedback will help inform the procurement approach of HEART outreach services.
  • It is anticipated that the procurement approach will include a draft Request for Tender for comment to be released in the second half of 2024.
  • All interested service providers must register on Tenders WA. This will enable service providers to download any Request for Tender documents and provide responses accordingly.

3. Budget process and timelines

  • Commissioning and Contracting is currently developing a process around unsolicited proposals for new services.
  • Any new funding proposal must go through the formal Budget process with Budget outcomes decided by the Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) made up of the Premier, Treasurer and senior Ministers.
  • All funding for homelessness services is committed via previous Budget cycles – the Office of Homelessness does not have discretionary funding.
  • Preparation of submissions, the Budget cycle and procurement processes take time and we encourage services to consider this when making proposals.

View the presentation slides used during the webinar

November 2023


Emma Colombera, Executive Director of the Office of Homelessness, presented an online webinar updating service providers on the current homelessness commissioning cycle.

Key points covered in this webinar

1. Homelessness Commissioning Reference Group (HCRG) 

  • Communities has released the Terms of Reference and EOI process calling for nominations, which closed on Monday 13 November 2023.

2. Commissioning processes

  • Due to the vast number of contracts, Communities will be taking a staggered approach to procurement and contracting processes by service groups.
  • For the purposes of this Commissioning cycle, services have been grouped into four main categories:
    • Accommodation – any service that provides crisis or supported accommodation beds (this does not include accommodation support services).
    • Coordinated outreach inclusive of HEART, SPCI, Street to Home and regional outreach programs.
    • Engagement hubs I Perth metropolitan and regional day centres.
    • Specialist support services – a broad group of services that include case management, housing and tenancy support services.
  • The initial focus will be on accommodation service providers (if you are unsure if your service is considered accommodation please contact your contract officer), to ensure no net loss in beds in the system, with consultation and processes regarding other service groups to commence throughout 2024.
  • The Office of Homelessness will work closely with the Communities’ Contracting team to progress Preferred Service Provider Assessments over the coming months. 
  • Contract Officers will be reaching out to organisations to schedule a meeting to discuss a Preferred Service Provider Assessment Review for accommodation service agreements.

View the presentation slides used during the webinar

September 2023


Emma Colombera, Executive Director of the Office of Homelessness, presented an online webinar updating service providers on the current homelessness commissioning cycle.

Key points covered in this webinar

  • An update of key learnings from statewide consultation to date highlighting feedback from the sector:
    • Continuation of state and federal government investment in social and affordable housing.
    • System coordination and referral pathways.
    • Workforce development.
    • Appropriate resourcing to respond to client complexity, caseloads, cost of service delivery, and staff shortages. 
  • To allow more time for this stage of the commissioning cycle Communities is proposing to extend 130 current service agreements and grants:
    • The majority of contracts will be extended by between 1 and 3 years pending direct negotiation with each service provider.
    • Priority is the continuity of service provision to vulnerable people.
    • Communities will be negotiating contract extensions directly with service providers from early 2024.
    • Communities aim is to stagger the expiry date of homelessness contracts to allow the sector to prepare and respond to procurement. processes as part of the ongoing commissioning work, and ensure Communities’ capacity to address the various contractual and procurement requirements.
  • The establishment of a Homelessness Commissioning Reference Group:
    • A structured forum for the sector to share evidence-based best practice and expertise and further promote integrated working between government, homelessness service providers and peak bodies to improve joint outcomes.
    • Allow and support an avenue for constructive discussion on the procurement and commissioning of homelessness services.
    • The Terms of Reference and Expression of Interest will be made available in October 2023.