Department of Communities - Children and young people complaints and feedback

For children and young people to complain or provide feedback.
Last updated:

Are you a child or a young person and want to speak up, make a complaint, give a compliment, or give other feedback to the Department of Communities?

Making a complaint can be scary or hard to do. It is a way to tell us you are unhappy or worried about something we have done, and you want it fixed or explained to you.

You can make a complaint about anything. We want to help. The complaints team will always make sure your rights are respected and your views heard.

To tell us about something that is worrying you fill in the form below.

We will ring you back. Just so you know, when we give you a call, the number will appear as ‘private’. You can also call us on 1800 333 325 (1800 FEEDBK). This is a free call.

If you are unhappy or worried after you’ve talked to the Complaints Management Unit, or if you want to take your complaint outside of the Department of Communities, please contact the Ombudsman Western Australia(link is external) on (08) 9220 7555 or 1800 117 000 (country free call).

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