Community services delivered throughout Western Australia include the the following programs, initiatives and strategies that are provided and/or funded by the Department of Communities (Communities).
All Paths Lead to a Home: Communities is delivering a whole-of-community strategy to improve outcomes for vulnerable Western Australians experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. This includes Common Ground, which is purpose-built housing for adults who have experienced chronic homelessness or are low income earners.
Cadets WA: Communities funds and administers the Cadets WA program in Western Australia, and develops policies and procedures to support it.
Carers and grandcarers: The support that Communities provides for Western Australian carers includes the funding of ongoing and short-term activities delivered by community-based support organisations.
Foster and family carers: Communities is committed to supporting foster and family carers throughout Western Australia.
Grants programs: Communities provides grants to community sector organisations and local governments to plan and implement projects, events and initiatives that help to improve the lives of Western Australians.
Hardship Utility Grant Scheme: The Hardship Utility Grant Scheme (HUGS) assists Western Australian utility customers who are in financial hardship and are unable to pay their utility bills. The purpose of HUGS is to assist customers in financial hardship with their connection to essential services.
NDIS Worker Screening Check: In Western Australia, NDIS Checks are completed by Communities' NDIS Worker Screening Unit.
Remote Aboriginal communities: Communities is working in partnership with Aboriginal people and across government on long-term, sustainable reforms to deliver better services and more opportunities in regional and remote areas.
Seniors and Ageing: Communities is committed to supporting older Western Australians through a number of key initiatives and strategies.
Volunteering: Communities is committed to building and strengthening the volunteering sector in WA. This includes: partnering with the community services sector to develop volunteer opportunities; delivering the WA Volunteer Service Awards; and providing funding and grant programs.
Women's interests: Communities leads and contributes to policy and action across government and industry to support women and girls in Western Australia to live and work safely in a community where diversity is embraced and where access to rights, resources, opportunities and protections is not determined by gender.
Young people: Communities develops programs and policies that meet the needs of Western Australian young people aged 10 to 25 years.