Expressions of Interest for Priority Projects

The Western Australian Government is launching an Expression of Interest process, inviting submissions from eligible common-use Pilbara transmission project proponents to be considered for Priority Project status under the Pilbara Energy Transition (PET) Plan.
Last updated:

On 13 September, the Pilbara Roundtable convened to discuss the next steps in the region’s energy transition. Traditional Owners, industry and Government stakeholders collaborated during the Roundtable to advance the decarbonisation of the Pilbara.

A key outcome of the Roundtable process was the launch of an Expression of Interest (EOI) process, inviting eligible common-use Pilbara transmission projects to apply for Priority Project status under the Pilbara Energy Transition (PET) Plan.

Priority Project status will be awarded to projects within designated priority corridors - the Burrup (Murujuga) Corridor, the Chichester Range Corridor, the Hamersley Range Corridor, and the Great Sandy Desert Corridor.

To be considered for Priority Project status, projects must align with State Government objectives, including decarbonising the Pilbara, delivering positive outcomes for Traditional Owners and local communities, supporting common-use infrastructure, and ensuring timely delivery. Furthermore, proponents seeking Priority Project status must demonstrate best practice engagement with impacted Traditional Owner groups and include meaningful benefit-sharing options.

Designated Priority Projects will receive State Government endorsements to negotiate with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation for access to up to $3 billion in concessional financing through the Australian Government's Rewiring the Nation program.

Applications to the Expression of Interest process close on Friday 25 October 2024. Applicants are invited to register here for an information session on 26 September 2024 to learn more about the application process.

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