Science and Technology Plan: consultation summary report

Corporate report
Summary report of the 4 phases of consultation undertaken as part of the development of the 10-year science and technology plan
Last updated:

The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation has led the development of a 10-Year Science and Technology Plan (the Plan) for Western Australia. 

The development of the Plan was supported by an Advisory Group chaired by the WA Chief Scientist and comprised of research and industry leaders across a range of sectors. An inter-agency Working Group supported consultation to ensure alignment across Government.

A comprehensive four-phase consultation process was undertaken between September 2023 and July 2024 with a broad range of stakeholders, including industry, research institutions, Aboriginal people, government agencies, universities and underrepresented stakeholder groups including youth, people with a disability or neurodiversity, women and girls and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) people. 


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