Oakajee Narngulu Infrastructure Corridor planning

The Oakajee Narngulu Infrastructure Corridor (ONIC) is being planned to enable a coordinated infrastructure and services corridor around Geraldton.
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The 34 kilometre long strategic corridor is proposed to facilitate regionally significant road, rail and utility services connections between the Narngulu Industrial Estate and the proposed Oakajee port and industrial estate; and more broadly with the existing Geraldton Port.

The Department has prepared a draft Alignment Definition Report for the Oakajee Narngulu Infrastructure Corridor, in order to define a preferred alignment for the corridor. 

The ONIC forms a component of the broader Oakajee Mid West Development Project that is being led by the Department of State Development.  This project proposes to establish an integrated deepwater port with supporting rail infrastructure and an industrial estate to facilitate the development of the resources sector in the Mid West.

Draft alignment definition report

The Department has prepared a draft Alignment Definition Report for the Oakajee Narngulu Infrastructure Corridor (ONIC), which collates existing information; identifies opportunities and constraints; sets out design criteria and standards; informs consultation with stakeholders; and defines a preferred alignment.

The ONIC is one component of the broader Oakajee Mid West Development Project which is coordinated by the Department of State Development, with the aim to establish an integrated port and industrial estate at Oakajee; supporting rail and infrastructure corridors to facilitate the development of the resources sector in the Mid West; and ensure the long-term prosperity of the region.

The need for a multi-use corridor linking the proposed Oakajee Port and Industrial Estate to existing infrastructure in the greater Geraldton area has been identified in various planning strategies and studies since the 1990s, which built upon work undertaken for a rail route dating back to the 1970s.

The key planning objective for the ONIC is to co-locate road and rail infrastructure within one corridor between Oakajee and Narngulu to minimise impacts on landowners. It would also be advantageous to provide capacity within the corridor to accommodate utilities infrastructure.

Through this draft Alignment Definition Report it is proposed that the ONIC will be approximately 34 kilometres in length, providing strategic linkages between Oakajee (proposed port and industrial estate), Narngulu, Geraldton Port and iron ore mines. To accommodate road, rail and services utilities infrastructure the ONIC is required to be at least 230 metres wide, however, it may be wider in some locations to accommodate engineering requirements of the road and rail alignments.

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