Regional land supply assessments

Prepared as part of the Urban development program, and encompassing the former Country land development program, Regional land supply assessments (formerly the Regional HotSpots) report on major regional centres across the State on an as required basis.
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The Urban development program (UDP) coordinates and promotes the development of serviced land in a sustainable manner for the guidance of state infrastructure agencies, public utilities, local governments and the private sector. It tracks demand, land supply, development and infrastructure in Western Australia’s major urban centres to deliver a more effective use of land, better staging of development and prioritisation of infrastructure investment to support urban growth.

The Department prepares the UDP for the Western Australian Planning Commission to support inter-agency decision-making about urban development and the provision of services to the community.

Regional Land Supply Assessments

Regional land supply assessment maps can be found on PlanWA(link is external)

Regional HotSpots

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