Enduring Power of Attorney Information Kit

This information kit has been prepared by the Office of the Public Advocate to give people a basic understanding of enduring powers of attorney and to assist them in completing the form.
Last updated:

If you are completing an enduring power of attorney and you have specific or complex issues, it is recommended that you seek legal advice.

For more information about enduring powers of attorney and the role of an attorney, including a comprehensive guide to enduring powers of attorney, visit the Office of the Public Advocate’s website www.publicadvocate.wa.gov.au(link is external) or call the office’s telephone advisory service on 1300 858 455.

Copies of this kit can be downloaded for free from the Office of the Public Advocate’s website. If you are unable to do this, contact the Office of the Public Advocate on opa@justice.wa.gov.au(link sends email) or 6 18 9278 7300 for alternative options.

How to print the form only - EPA and EPG (PDF, 140.86KB)

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