Classification of prescribed vocational education and training qualifications in Western Australia

Classification of prescribed vocational education and training (VET) qualifications from 2015, which includes bulk gazettals of prescribed qualifications.
Last updated:

The Classification of prescribed VET qualifications document deems that:

  • the existing nominal term (months) full time on the list of prescribed vocational education and training qualifications be retained except where any nominal term differs as specified in a Fair Work Australia industrial instrument relating to that occupation. The nominal term on the training contract should reflect the industrial instrument that the apprentice is employed under; and
  • a young person attending school (ie school-based) may enter an employment based training contract with an employer only if the qualification is listed as ‘Y’ in the ‘School-based’ column on the list of prescribed vocational education and training qualifications; and
  • where a qualification is approved for part time delivery through a training contract:
    • part time status of an apprenticeship and traineeship is defined by the applicable industrial instrument; 
    • the minimum part time hours for training contracts in Western Australia is 15 hours per week (inclusive of employment and supervised training) unless otherwise specified and published on the list of prescribed vocational education and training qualifications; and
    • nominal terms for part time apprenticeship and traineeships, including school-based, are established at a ratio of 1:1.5 of the nominal full time term unless otherwise specified and published on the list of prescribed vocational education and training qualifications.