In-house electrical licence - Application

Applications for an in-house electrical licence (individual, partnership or company).

How to submit your application

Proof of identity requirements

Licensing Services maintains a register of licensed electrical and ensures that the information is accurate and confidential, protecting operatives against the possible fraudulent use of their name. This fact sheet explains the requirements for an applicant to prove his or her identity.

Application form


Individual application

Partnership application

Company application


Do not attach images of credit or bank cards when applying online

By post or in person

If you are submitting your application by post (or in person) and are making payment by credit card, you must also complete the application payment form and attach it to your application.

Applications received without payment cannot be accepted.


Please refer to the Building & Energy Licensing fees page for fees related to your licence.

Fact Sheet - In-House Electrical Installing Work Licence

Fact Sheet

Obtaining an In-House Electrical Installing Work Licence

Eligibility requirements to apply for a licence

Legal Name

When applying for a licence, the applicant's legal name is the entity's name that appears on all official documents or legal paper (e.g. John Citizen for an individual or John Citizen Electrics Pty Ltd in the case of a body corporate).

Where the legal entity is a body corporate, the organisation must be registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and document evidence will need to be provided with the application.

Trading name

A trading name is the name under which the applicant trades, or is known as, by its suppliers and customers and may be different from the applicant's legal name.  A trading name must be registered with ASIC and documentary evidence will need to be provided with the application.

Requirement of a nominee

Regulation 36 requires that the applicant, or at least one person in the employ of the applicant, is the holder of a current Western Australian electrician's licence and that person has, to the satisfaction of the Electrical Licensing Board, completed the following modules of the Electrical Contractor Training Program (ECTP):

  • Operation (Electrical) Legislative Requirements; and
  • Electrical Requirements.

Where the electrician has not been a nominee of an Electrical Contractor's licence or an In-House Electrical Installing Work Licence within the past two years, or has not completed the training within the past two years, they will be required to enrol in and complete successfully this part of the ECTP.

Interstate applicants are required to complete successfully the nominee modules of the ECTP as these modules relate to local requirements in Western Australia.

Undertaking the Electrical Contractor Training Program (ECTP)

The nominee modules of the ECTP are designed to broaden knowledge and skills in electrical installation practises in, statutory requirements and inspection of electrical installation work.

The following Registered Training Organisations (RTO's) are approved by the Board to deliver the relevant modules of the ECTP:

  • College of Electrical Training - Telephone 9233 5000
  • Combined Skills Training Association - Telephone 9440 3600
  • South Metropolitan TAFE (Thornlie Campus) - Telephone 9267 7500

Applying for an In-House Electrical Installing Work Licence

To apply for an In-House Electrical Installing Work licence, applicants are required to:

  • Submit a completed application form, signed by all relevant parties.
  • Provide evidence of successful completion of the nominee modules of the ECTP.
  • Where the applicant is trading in other than their own legal name, a copy of the company extract and if applicable the business name extract issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission is required.
  • Proof of identification, in accordance with the Proof of Identification Fact Sheet, is required for sole trader applicants and nominees.
  • Payment of a non-refundable application fee (refer to current application form)..
  • Payment of a registration fee (refer to current application form).
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