Electrician's licence - Overseas offshore technical skill record - Application

Application for an electrician's licence with an overseas offshore technical skill record (OTSR).

How to submit your application

Proof of identity requirements

Licensing Services maintains a register of licensed electrical and ensures that the information is accurate and confidential, protecting operatives against the possible fraudulent use of their name. This fact sheet explains the requirements for an applicant to prove his or her identity.

Application form

This application form for an electrician's licence is for overseas applicants issued an offshore technical skills record (OTSR) for the nominated occupation of electrician (general).


Apply and pay for your application


Do not attach images of credit or bank cards when applying online.

By post or in person

If you are submitting your application by post (or in person) and are making payment by credit card, you must also complete the application payment form and attach it to your application.

Applications received without payment cannot be accepted.


Please refer to the Building & Energy Licensing fees page for fees related to your licence.

Applying for an Electrician’s licence based on qualifications gained overseas

Fact sheet:

Applying for an Electrician’s licence based on qualifications gained overseas.

Applicants applying for an Electrician’s Licence based on qualifications gained overseas must provide evidence that their trade skills have been assessed.
Such evidence can be in the form of either:

  • An Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR) issued by a Trades Recognition Australia approved Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in the trade of ‘Electrician General’. (Refer to the RTO Finder page of the Trades Recognition Australia Website for approved RTO’s).
  • An Australian Recognised Trade Certificate (ARTC) issued by Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) in the trade of ‘Electrical Mechanic’. Note: From 1 October 2014 Trades Recognition Australia ceased issuing ARTC’s however ARTC’s issued before this date are still accepted.

Offshore Technical Skills Record

The process to obtain an OTSR requires an applicant to undertake a skills assessment. The assessment is conducted in plain English and is undertaken in three steps:

  1. A self-assessment to assist the applicant to determine if they have the required skills.
  2. A paper-based assessment to review the applicant’s trade qualifications and workplace evidence. If the evidence meets the requirements, the applicant will proceed to the practical skills assessment.
  3. A practical skills assessment, including a technical interview.

The technical interview and practical assessment are conducted by an approved Australian electrician and assessor and involves a series of interview questions specifically developed for an electrician. Questions focus on the electrical work competencies and use a mix of open-ended questions and questions requiring specific answers.

The practical assessment involves a series of ‘challenge tests’ or simulated activities that integrate a number of the competencies relevant to the Australian qualification.

Australian Minimum Context Gap Training

To confirm an applicant is a competent tradesperson, they are required to successfully complete the Australian Minimum Context Gap Training.

The Australian Minimum Context Gap Training is the minimum requirement for a non-Australian trained electrician’s to achieve a Western Australian Electrician’s Licence.

The Australian Minimum Context Gap Training consists of core and elective competency standard units to provide the required training for the UEE30811 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician qualification from the UEE11 Version 1 Training Package or its equivalent successor.

The Australian Context Training includes the following:

  • Off-the-job training at an approved RTO scoped to provide the required Units of Competence.
  • Working under supervision of a licenced Western Australian Electrician (for up to 12 months) to gain on-the-job practical experience in electrical installing work.
  • A Practical assessment after completing the off-the-job training and on-the-job experience at an RTO scoped to carry out the assessment.

Applicants are required to obtain a letter of approval to undergo the Australian Minimum Context Gap Training and an Electrician’s Provisional Licence from Building and Energy.

The Electrician’s Provisional Licence is not restricted to an employer or supervisor to enable the applicant to gain up to 12 months on-the-job experience in electrical installing work under Australian conditions.

A nominal time of up to 12 months is an estimate and may vary depending upon the applicant’s on-the-job experience in Australia.

After successfully completing the above, an applicant will be issued a Certificate of Attainment that is to be forwarded to the TRA approved RTO. The RTO will then issue the applicant a Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician.

Please note an applicant cannot be issued an Electrician’s Licence until the Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician has been received by Building and Energy along with the appropriate application form and fee.

Last updated:
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