Weekly Rent Estimator Calculator

You can use the calculator to get an estimate of how much rent you should be paying each week for your public housing property.
Last updated:

The estimate is based on the weekly income of all adult householders living in your home.  An adult householder is anyone who is 16 years or older who lives with you.

The estimated rent is based on the information you provide. It may vary slightly when the Department of Communities completes a full assessment.

To use the calculator, you will need to have the most recent income payment details for all adult householders. For example:

  • Payments you get from Centrelink, including Family Tax Benefit Payments
  • Child maintenance payments you receive
  • Wages or salary you get from working
  • Any income you receive from investments or shares 

There are two calculators. It is important that you select the right calculator, depending on when you moved into your current home.

If you don’t currently live in a public housing property, you can still use the calculator to estimate how much you would have to pay.

You will need to add up everyone’s weekly income and enter the total amount into the calculator.

Your actual rent may differ from the amount estimated if there are changes to policy, the law, your circumstances, and future events.

You may be charged more than 25% of the household income for rent in some circumstances. We call this Market Rent.

Communities does not store the information you provide. You will remain anonymous at all times.


If you are a public housing tenant and you moved into your current home on or before the 28 March 2016, use this calculator.

Weekly Rent Estimator Calculator - pre 28 March 2016

If you are a public housing tenant and you moved into your current home on or after the 29 March 2016, use this calculator. If you do not currently live in a public housing property, you can also use this to estimate what your rent would be if you did.

Weekly Rent Estimator Calculator - on or after 28 March 2016 

Market Rent may be changed in the future if you are living in a public housing property and:

a. Communities asks you to return information about your household’s income and you don’t provide the information
b. Your income is over the income eligibility limits
c. You illegally sublet the property to someone else, or
d. You abandon the property.

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