Physical and Sexual Abuse Insurance

Information for out-of-home care and youth homelessness accommodation service providers seeking to access the State Government’s temporary indemnity arrangements for physical and sexual abuse claims.
Last updated:


Over recent years, some non-government organisations delivering out-of-home care services have reported difficulty in renewing or obtaining insurance policies with cover for physical and sexual abuse (PSA) claims, following commercial insurers withdrawing PSA cover from the market. 

In response to this, the State Government established temporary indemnity arrangements for out-of-home care and youth homelessness accommodation service providers unable to obtain insurance for PSA claims. 

These temporary arrangements have enabled the Department of Communities (Communities) contracted service providers to continue to deliver essential services to children and young people, experiencing homelessness or living in OOHC.

Progress towards a solution

Communities is working with the Insurance Commission WA (ICWA) and Department of Treasury (Treasury) to develop the most suitable and sustainable long-term solution for the WA context.

Communities continues to participate in an Interjurisdictional Working Group (IJWG). The IJWG engaged Finity Consulting (Finity) to provide advice on the lack of available PSA insurance for OOHC and youth homelessness accommodation providers.

Informed by broad stakeholder consultation, Finity’s advice covered:

  • potential long-term solutions to the lack of available PSA insurance, recommending state and territory governments provide insurance or indemnity to OOHC and youth homelessness service providers; and
  • design and implementation recommendations for state and territory indemnity or insurance schemes for PSA claims.

Finity recommended design principles and components required to implement an indemnity or insurance scheme, including eligibility requirements, scope and limits of cover, claim deductibles and pricing structures.

While recommending national consistency across these components, it is acknowledged that flexibility is required to respond to the unique settings and requirements of each state and territory.

Updates regarding the development of the long-term solution for WA will be provided when available.

Visit the IJWG webpage for more information.


Eligibility for the temporary indemnity cover is limited to non-government organisations contracted by Communities to deliver out-of-home care and/or youth homelessness accommodation services who have been unable to obtain insurance cover for PSA claims. 

Accessing the State Government temporary indemnity arrangements is voluntary. Service providers are advised to consider the 2023/2024 WA State Government Deed of Indemnity for Physical and Sexual Abuse (download below) to determine if the cover offered is appropriate for their organisation.

Organisations should contact their relevant contract manager at Communities with any queries regarding the current indemnity arrangements including access. To access the temporary indemnity, eligible services must provide a current uninsurable risk notice.  Once this is received, a Deed of Indemnity will be prepared and sent to those organisations for signing.

Why are only out-of-home care and youth homelessness accommodation providers able to access the scheme?

The WA temporary indemnity arrangements were established as a short-term measure in response to the withdrawal of commercial insurers from providing PSA cover for OOHC and youth homelessness accommodation services.

It is understood there is concern about the market failure regarding PSA insurance impacting on other sectors.

Communities is seeking to collect information regarding other services experiencing difficulties in relation to access to insurance coverage for PSA claims. If your organisation is impacted, please email information to

Non-Government Organisations are encouraged to discuss any concerns with Communities directly.

2023/2024 WA State Government Deed of Indemnity for Physical and Sexual Abuse