One Stop Hubs - Stakeholder engagement and consultation

Information about the Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hubs stakeholder engagement and consultation.
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Please see below for information about the stakeholder engagement and consultation process being undertaken for each One Stop Hub facility. The process undertaken for each Hub is unique to the individual location and the needs for the community.


Engagement was undertaken between November 2021 and February 2022 to develop a place-based service model design for the Armadale Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hub.

Engagement in Broome

The Department of Communities (Communities) engaged with stakeholders in Broome and Derby to help shape the design of a Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hub in Broome.

The engagement process sought valuable insights from those who have experienced family and domestic violence. Those who participated were asked the following questions:

  • What is important to people with lived experience in this region?
  • What are the enablers and barriers to seeking and receiving support locally?
  • Which features of the Hub model will have impact in this region?
  • How can the Hub build on existing local strengths?

The team met with people who have experienced family and domestic violence in the region as well as local service providers and government agencies.

The final report summarising the engagement process and key recommendations specific to the Broome Hub is below.

For more information, or to be added to our stakeholder list to receive future updates, please contact sends email).

Broome online information session

In August 2022, an online information session was held for stakeholders and interested community members regarding the Broome Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hub.

The session was presented by the Department of Communities, Curtin University, Innovation Unit and the operators of existing Hubs in Mirrabooka and Kalgoorlie.

It provided an opportunity to learn about the Family and Domestic Violence Hub model and to understand what is being planned for the establishment of a Hub in Broome, including the community engagement and design process.

The session also provided an insight into the learnings and experiences of the existing Hubs in Kalgoorlie and Mirrabooka.

The session was recorded and can be viewed below.

For more information, please contact sends email).

Kalgoorlie information sessions

Information sessions regarding Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hubs were held for Community Sector Providers in Kalgoorlie on 31 October 2019. Below are resources available following those meetings.

Kalgoorlie co-design

The Department of Communities (Communities) engaged the Centre for Social Impact, University of Western Australia to co-design service models for the Mirrabooka and Kalgoorlie Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hubs.

The co-design process ran from December 2019 to February 2020 and involved more than 130 participants, including service users, community members, people with lived experience and service providers.  

Below are the co-design communiques and reports, and Communities’ response to the co-design key insights and recommendations. The findings contained in the co-design reports and communiques represent the views of the co-design participants. Communities’ response documents outline the co-design findings that Communities can support and are within the scope of the Hubs.

Mirrabooka information sessions

Information sessions regarding Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hubs were held for Community Sector Providers in Mirrabooka on 28 October 2019. Below are resources available following those meetings.

Mirrabooka co-design

Communities engaged the Centre for Social Impact, University of Western Australia to co-design service models for the Mirrabooka and Kalgoorlie Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hubs.

The co-design process ran from December 2019 to February 2020 and involved more than 130 participants, including service users, community members, people with lived experience and service providers.  

Below are the co-design communiques and reports, and Communities’ response to the co-design key insights and recommendations. The findings contained in the co-design reports and communiques represent the views of the co-design participants. Communities’ response documents outline the co-design findings that Communities can support and are within the scope of the Hubs.

More resources

Research for the development of the Mirrabooka and Kalgoorlie One Stop Hubs:
Research for the development of two one stop hubs (Curtin University, 2018) (PDF, 2.28MB)

Western Australia’s first family and domestic violence Hubs in Kalgoorlie and Mirrabooka were officially launched by the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence in December 2020. An independent evaluation of the Hubs has been completed.
Access the evaluation summary report on the Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hubs webpage.

Further information

If you have any queries or require any information provided in an alternative format please email sends email).

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