Where services come together
The One Stop Hub (Hub) model provides a range of family and domestic violence services in one location, alongside other community services, prioritising ease of access for victims in seeking help, assistance and support.
By co-locating key support with other community services, a ‘soft’ entry point is created, reducing stigma attached to seeking assistance.
The integrated service delivery shown in the Hubs model supports the State Government’s commitment to keeping Western Australian women and their children safe.
Western Australia’s first family and domestic violence Hubs in Kalgoorlie and Mirrabooka were officially launched by the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence in December 2020. An independent evaluation of the Hubs has been completed. Access the Family and Domestic Violence One Stop Hubs Evaluation Summary Report (PDF, 3.42MB).
The establishment of an additional two Hubs in Armadale and Broome were announced as part of election commitments in the 2022-23 state budget(link is external) bringing the number of Hubs in Western Australia to four.
Armadale One Stop Hub
Show moreIn January 2023, Hope Community Services in partnership with Yorgum Healing Services was awarded the contract to provide services for a new family and domestic violence One Stop Hub in Armadale.
In September 2023, the organisations commenced providing services to family and domestic violence victim-survivors in Perth’s south-eastern suburbs.
The Hub’s interim service, known as the South East FDV Healing Service, offers a range of holistic support services including group and one-to-one counselling, legal information sessions and men’s outreach services.
It also provides referral pathways from local agencies so people experiencing family and domestic violence can be connected with specialist support.
For information on referrals email: reception.hub@hopecs.org.au(link sends email).
Broome One Stop Hub
Show moreThis announcement was made by the Premier and the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence on 14 June 2022.
In June 2024, Family Outreach Service Broome, operating as part of Mens Outreach Service Aboriginal Corporation (MOSAC), was awarded a contract to lead the delivery of a new One Stop Hub for family and domestic violence services in Broome. Read the Media Statement.
Family Outreach Service Broome has partnered with Anglicare WA to co-lead an alliance of specialist services which includes Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation, Jalygurr Guwan Aboriginal Corporation, Broome CIRCLE and Legal Aid WA.
The Broome Hub will provide a range of specialist supports for people experiencing family and domestic violence, including advocacy, counselling, legal assistance and support for children, from a single location. It will also provide family and domestic violence outreach services in Derby and Bidyadanga.
Family Outreach Service Broome, with Anglicare WA, will provide interim Hub services while works progress to develop a purpose-built property that will deliver a full Hub service. Interim services will commence in late 2024.
More information is available through the Broome FDV One Stop Hub FAQs.
Mara Pirni Healing Place: Kalgoorlie
Show moreServices include alcohol and other drug counselling, mental health support, housing, legal and financial support, family and domestic violence education and awareness activities, parenting support services including counselling and a creche, and community activities including education workshops and yarning circles.
A Hub satellite service runs in Laverton, and a Men’s Healing service is delivered off site.
Naala Djookan Healing Centre: Mirrabooka
Show moreNaala Djookan Healing Centre (link is external)provides a diverse mix of services with a particular focus on providing culturally safe and trauma informed support for people from all backgrounds.
Specialist services include health, mental health, counselling, alcohol and other drug, legal, housing and financial counselling services. Family and domestic violence support and services for men are provided off site.